Jura Tempest Federation

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"So, you're saying that Milim Nava the Destroyer will join us in this meeting?" (Gazel)

Gazel was thoroughly exasperated, his hands on his forehead. Rimuru had just left to face whatever disastrous monster was approaching them.

And, according to Rimuru himself, this monster was non-other than Demon Lord Milim. This was beyond a "disastrous" monster, it was simply catastrophic.

Milim was ranked as a Catastrophe class threat according to the Freedom Association guild's ranking system.

The only other Catastrophe ranked individuals were the three remaining True Dragons and another demon lord called Guy Crimson. 

"Yes, she won't be disturbing us, I promise." (Rimuru)

Gazel wasn't concerned about that fact, where his attention lay was how Rimuru managed to tame the Demon Lord.

But, that'd be suicidal to bring up in the presence of the Demon Lord herself. Even idiots wouldn't—

"Hahaha! I am Gabiru, the one and only son of the Lizardmen chief! Oh...?" The Lizardman announced his presence rather arrogantly. Everyone present there now looked at this Lizardman. 

Rimuru was quick to react, "Nice to meet you, what brings you here?" 

Needless to say, the Lizardman was quick to tell of his intentions. "You guys defeated the Orc Lord, correct? I will challenge whoever defeated that monster. Come at me!"

In a mere second, this Lizardman managed to piss off an entire town full of monsters. But, Rimuru was there so none of them acted out.

"Wahahaha, that's quite bold of you, Lizardman! What if I said I was the one that defeated the Orc Lord!" (Milim)

Except one...

"Hmm? This little kid? You people need to make better jokes! Hahah—arghhhh!" The Lizardman was quite oblivious. 

Milim smacked the Lizardmen, which resulted in said Lizardman flying high into the sky.

"Milim, don't cause a ruckus, what if I hadn't shielded him from your punch?" (Rimuru)  

"I didn't even put that much into it, so he wouldn't die anyway!" (Milim)

Milim absolutely had no concern for her victim just now and was happily eating her honey. Rimuru on the other hand went towards the poor Lizardman.

"Please, let us continue inside. Lord Rimuru will come shortly with the Lizardman." (Shuna)

Rimuru had trained Shuna and a few other Goblinas beforehand on proper etiquette. But honestly, most of it was just what Rimuru saw from Vesta training them on the previous timeline.

Gazel and his crew were pleased by this familiar greeting. They gave the unexpected turn of events the benefit of the doubt and proceeded inside the prepared venue.


"Dude, are you ok?" asked Rimuru towards the limping Lizardman. He had a few other Lizardmen with him as well, but they were all concerned about this single Lizardman's well-being.

While gasping for air, the Lizardman tried to reply. "Haaahh... I'm...fine..."

One Lizardman suddenly started to say things along the lines of; "You're so tough! Lord Gabiru!"

The other lizardmen followed suit.

"Uwahh... you say you're fine, but to me, you look like you're about to break at the slightest gust of wind." (Rimuru)

The Lizardman was still gasping for air, so, Rimuru decided to give him a full potion.

"What is this? I feel alive again! Hahahaha! Thank you, human!" (Gabiru)

"Well, can you tell me why you're here now?" (Rimuru)

Gabiru sensed the seriousness in Rimuru's voice. "V-very well. I have come here out of orders from the chief, he wishes to form an alliance with you."

"So it's that kind of talk, eh? There's a place better suited for that, follow me." (Rimuru)

Gabiru and his crew followed Rimuru towards the venue where Gazel was waiting.

On their arrival, Rimuru apologized to Gazel for keeping him waiting.

"Hmph, I can afford this much. So, I assume this Lizardman is a part of the meeting?" (Gazel)

"Yes, he's here because the chief of the Lizardmen wants to form an alliance with me you see. I thought it was appropriate for it to be discussed here." (Rimuru)

Gazel nods, "Then, I will start by asking you this, Rimuru. What do you intend to do with your power?"

Rimuru grins as he expected that question. This very same question was asked to Rimuru by Gazel when Rimuru just became a demon lord on the previous timeline.

"Simple. I will create a place where everyone can live happily and smile every day. Think of it as an ideal, no one mistreats one another just because their races are different. Co-existence is what I plan to achieve." (Rimuru)

Gazel and his crew were amazed at Rimuru's incredible ambitions. Someone has to say this, so Gazel decided to be the one to say it; "But Rimuru, that's extremely idealistic, are you sure you can back up your words?" 

Gazel's tone when saying those words was not of shock or surprise. It was one from a stern, cold, and judging King. Gazel just had to test the will of this man called Rimuru.

Rimuru did not back down. 

Rimuru fired back at Gazel with extreme confidence. Rimuru's own tone made Gazel shiver.

"Ideals without power are rubbish, and power without ideals is pointless. I've got both, so there's no need to worry." (Rimuru)

Rimuru's speech moved everyone present at this meeting, including the ones from Gazel's side and Gazel himself. Gabiru and his men were simply in awe. 

Milim behaving behind Rimuru probably helped his image, but let's not mention that.

"So, do you still have doubts, King Gazel?" (Rimuru)

Gazel laughed boisterously, "Gahahaha! Well said, Rimuru! I have full trust in you now, if I ever had any doubts, there's none now!"

Gazel adds, "Rimuru, you're nation is placed extremely well geographically speaking. The further you develop, the more people will want to trade with you. And I certainly am one of those nations. Rimuru, Dwargon wants to sign diplomatic relationships with you, does your nation have a name?"

"Of course. But, deciding a name will be quite difficult. Will you give me some time?" (Rimuru)

"Sure. There's nothing for us to lose." (Gazel)

In truth, Gazel just used the position of Rimuru's nation as an excuse. Gazel truly wanted to form friendly ties with this nation, not just as a king, but as a person. 

Rimuru also wanted to use the same name he had used previously. But, Rimuru cannot qualify as a Federation. Unless...

"Gabiru, you said your father wanted to form an alliance with me? I will accept it." (Rimuru)

Rimuru needed a separate social entity within the forest to form an alliance with him. The Orcs are now merely his subordinates given that they don't have a social hierarchy now. The Ogres haven't fully agreed to an alliance themselves, and the dryads are mere caretakers of the forest. 

Gabiru's face lit up, "Truly?! I am honored to hear your acceptance, Lord Rimuru! Then I will take my leave and inform my father as soon as possible!" 

With that, Gabiru left the venue with his men and departed towards the swamps immediately.


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