The Vasectomy

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Everyone walking the earth...

Everyone and everything breathing the air since birth had three great loves; three great loves made just for them—categorically speaking anyways.

Aye, there was the love of your life, the love of your heart and the love of your soul. Now the love of heart was not as important nor even as binding. All them damn celebrities walking around? No, One could have anywhere from seven to sixty love of their hearts and go figure—the heart was a rather stupid fucking thing afterall.

But love of Life and love of soul? Now that's where destiny kicked in; three life mates a person was the golden rule, but just one soulmate was the silver.

And it was because of this, the soulmate was all three combined: the soul, life, and heart.

Because of that one-a-person thing, there were people out there with a love of heart thinking they'd met their soulmate—that wasn't true. People really rarely found their soulmates. It was a once in a lifetime event so standing here looking at his, Sieg knew that something must've gone terribly wrong. He'd last seen her in Mississippi, he'd put so much distance between him and that place—buried his identity so deep and gone through such length to forget but here she was. Here she was, and here he was.

"Fuck." He mumbled, picking up the sport of overthinking by pacing. How had she found him? Did it even matter? "I should've left her in the streets."

It would've been the smartest move for him really. But he hadn't. Sieg had piled her into his truck and driven home. Now here she was, tucked into his bed like a little toddler. Much like the paranoid parent of one, he went to the windows, checking each and every for that line of salt he had lined them with and they were intact. Still, he went to his closet and started ramming things into his bag. Things he thought they'd need, things for their journey because Work would have to wait, he had to get that girl out of Wyoming before they came. Now there was a box at the far bottom of his closet with a ring in it—he took that ring and good. Sieg thanked the earth that he still had it, because he would need it.

Something had put three holes in that girl and if it was what he thought it was, then he would need it; those things didn't usually hunt alone nor for long. They weren't the pride of where he came from for no reason, they always did their job and now on the receiving end of their relentless pursuit—Sieg couldn't say he felt very comfy. So while she played the dead daisy, he went out and collected water, placed it in his truck, and got fruits. They had to leave and they had to do it now.

He started back towards the house then and he'd only passed the door when something jumped onto his back. He stumbled for surprise and nearly bucked it off like a bull... then he saw the empty bed and realized that his matador must've been the girl. She was awake.

The time that it took for him to put two and two together was just enough for the little elf to flip onto her feet and shove him into a wall. He felt something sharp on his neck and looking down, he recognized the camouflage handle of his hunting knife. He smirked. Sieg was the type that involved knives and anything that played with lives in his lovemaking so—"If you're trying to scare me, you're going about it all wrong, Pixie—I love my women feral."

"I know who you are." She spat this with such venom but her wide eyes only showed uncertainty. "I know who you are..." and she kept repeating it at him like a malfunctioning robot. "I do."

"Okay, alright." Sieg nodded slowly. "Who am I?"

"You're Siegen Westen and did something to me."

"Hey whoa—I had a vasectomy." Thrice."

Whoring was a risky profession and Sieg couldn't risk cursing a woman with his genes. But the girl wasn't talking about that.

She shook her head all crazy for it and said. "No, something worst! I—I just can't remember what it is or when, or where."

His eyebrows rose so high, they almost travelled to the back of his head. "Ok well," he pushed her off him and pointed at her stomach. "Do you remember what did that to you? because it'll be back so put some pep in your step, and let's blow this joint."

"What—oh!" The girl, Alice just happened to realize that she was nearly naked and she dove for her bloody clothes. She hid in his closet as Sieg told her why that was.

"You were running a 120 fever—had to bandage you up too. And don't worry, I didn't look."

"Those things that attacked me—" she called. "What were they?"

"We don't have time for this, Pix—"

"Alice." She appeared in the doorway, her tattered clothing back in place and her bandaged wounds all in show. "My name is Alice, not pixie. Not short stack, not Teeny. Alice. And I'm not leaving til you tell what that thing was."

Sieg shrugged. "Yeah okay, you just stand right there, and ill come tell you. Just wait right there.

and while she did, he saddled his bag and started heading for the door. He wasn't about to sit here and play twenty questions with a nine-lifer, especially one that didn't want to be saved. He only had the one now and his Lil happy self rather liked it. So telling himself he'd done all he could, he started heading for the door—then came that gust o' wind. The hairs on his body all rose to attention and his pulse picked up, hell even his blood sugar spiked as that wave of Deja-by washed over him.

"Oh crap."

He knew what was happening before he even heard their howls—he smelled their breaths, and that was punishment enough.

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