Go, Pixie, Go!

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A cavernous howl filled the night and Sieg backtracked into the house and locked the door. "Fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He squeezed his eyes. " oh Fuck."

"Move out of the way," Alice's eyes yellowed to a gold point. "I'll take care of them."

"There's a present underneath your bandages, I'd like you to open it." Hissed Sieg. They must've had them surrounded by now and he couldn't die here. "Look—we have to get out of here."

Then he saw the way, and while it would be no easy play, it was vastly better than becoming a chew toy—so he rushed into the kitchen and yanked out a fat brown bag. He unrolled the top and revealed a brown powder so horrible, he cried a little inside.

He even contemplated going another way, then something bucked against the front door and that made up his mind—thank you very much.

"Here." He told her. "Rub this thing all over you."

And he started doing the same. Soon as that powder touched him, every square inch of his body started smoking like frozen beef thrown in hot oil, and then there was the feeling--like taking a swim in lava really. But he kept going, even going as far as to fill his pockets in just for luck.

Doing the exact same, Alice looked at him. "What is this?"

"Goofer dust. Bane o' my fucking existence." He muttered the last bit but she heard. "Now you listen, at my signal, you're going to run for the back door—there's a bike there, start it and bring it 'round the front. Roger?"

Alice nodded and she looked serious but he nearly fell to his knees watching her. He shook his head and angrily willed himself to focus. Then he started making a line with the goofer dust, leaving a wide open spot facing the door—almost like a prison cage, you see?

Then he went to the front door, told her to go for the back and together they sprung them open at the same time. Two masses of air rushed in and what they lacked in visibility, they made up in effect—those things rushed in and claw marks carved through the floorboards like paper.

Sieg winced. "I forgot about that. Go, pixie go!" And she went. Leaving him to face the beat.

"Easy." He said to its growls. "Easy Rikriti. Be a good girl and don't kill Daddy, alright?"


That was not Rikriti!

The beastie rushed at him with furious vigor, he could see the white spit leaking out of its monstrous face and used his feeling of disgust to fuel the kick that sent it flying back into the closet. He threw a handful of the dust in front of it—managing to line it just enough that the creature in there started howling. Oh it tore that room up, but it couldn't pass and that was good.

Then Sieg just happened to remember that there had been two. "They hunt in pairs, you idiot." He chided himself and rushing out, he found the second partner.

It had her flat to the ground and maybe it was because she couldn't see how close its mouth was to her face because when It got kicked off of her, She had the nerve to look at Sieg and tell him that she could've handled it.

"Get on the Bike." He screamed, throwing dust at the creature like glitter. "Get on the bike now."

Harley's sweet roar filled the air like a hog and just as the second beast was charging at Sieg, zigzagging to avoid his flower girl routine, Alice wheeled it right in front of him and Sieg jumped aboard like a fish on salute.

"Who's Rikriti?"

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