Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Landon and Lyla had been in one another's arms for a little while now but now it was time for Lyla to get ready for the ceremony. By the end of the evening, Lyla would officially be the Luna of a werewolf pack. She was just happy that the medication was helping her so she was sure that she would be okay for a little while.

Landon left the room so Lyla could get dressed. He still couldn't help but worry about her but he was still not going to let it bother him. He needed to be focused on this ceremony and Lyla was going to become part of the pack with no trouble at all. And he was going to make sure that that happened.

Lyla soon came out of the room and Landon didn't like the look that he was seeing on her face, "what's the matter, darling?"

Lyla motioned her head toward her shoulder that was covered with the white bandage, "this."

"Are you ashamed of it?"

"It is embarrassing."

"Don't worry about it. No one will be looking at that, they will be looking at you. The new Luna of their pack."

Lyla lowered her eyes.

"And anyway," said Landon, "if they say anything disrespectful about their Luna, they will have a very angry Alpha to deal with."

"So you'll tell them off?"

"I will."

Lyla smiled. Clearly Landon loved protecting her. But he was a werewolf so wasn't he protective or something? Lyla knew that wolves loved looking after their families and a strong pack in the wild helped them live. So that had to be the same with werewolves as well because they were a type of wolf. And maybe it made Lyla feel a little special to know that Landon wanted to protect and take care of her.

And it made Lyla feel a bit better because Landon would be taking care of her all the time. She was sure that it was going to make the twenty eight day lunar cycle easier. It didn't mean that Lyla wasn't scared, because she was scared out of her mind, but knowing that Landon was going to be by her side the whole time made it just that bit easier.

"Now, are you ready for this?" asked Landon.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?" replied Lyla.

"Then let's go."

With that, Landon took Lyla's hand and headed out to the backyard, that was huge, of the pack house. Lyla was in awe as she looked around because she had never been in the backyard before. Landon had never let her outside but now he did. Maybe if Lyla asked nicely Landon would let her outside more often, with him by her side, of course. If she said that she was sure that Landon would say yes. If he just wanted to protect her, he needed to have her in his good books so he needed to say yes.

Lyla looked around outside and it kind of looked like a wedding. There were chairs and some carpet that went down the middle to form an aisle. And then there was a stage at the end of the aisle. It was seriously looking like a wedding and Lyla looked at Landon, "is it supposed to look like a wedding?"

Landon smiled, "it is anything but a wedding. Is this what a human wedding looks like?"

Lyla nodded, "are werewolf weddings different?"

"I don't know. I guess I don't have anything to compare them to."

Lyla laughed.

"It will be filling up soon," said Landon, "so, it won't be long until you are the Luna of the pack."

Lyla nodded but she was feeling a little upset now. She really wanted Hamish and Gabi to be here but it was a little too late to ask them now. Late notice was something neither of them liked so it looked like Landon was going to be the only one who was going to be with her. It was nice and all, Lyla didn't doubt that, but she missed her family and she missed her friends. She wished that she could go and see them but she knew that Landon would never let her.

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