15. Sannarah

883 106 179

TW: abuse and sexual assault in mentions only (no details) 

The wind howled around me, swinging the cage widely and making my head spin. I tightened my grip on the bars and focused on the sparkling towers of the city. Looking down at the emptiness dotted with fluffy clouds wasn't the best idea. Angels were indeed a creative bunch. With their talks about peace, forgiveness, and all that crap, they went out of their way to make sure their prisoners suffered. And no, it wasn't dark dungeons and torture chambers style. All they needed was a plain cage.

They hung it beyond their splendid floating city's edges and let it dangle thousands of feet over the ground.

It was marvellously simple. If I tried to get free using force, the rope securing the cage would break, sending me diving down for my death. Prisoners offed themselves? Great, problem solved, no need for the trial.

I leaned my forehead on my knees. I was so screwed.

You walked into that one, said the voice in my head.

You don't have to remind me.

I told you Golden Boy was trouble. I told you we should have killed him when we got a chance. We wouldn't be here if we slit his throat at the start.

Yeah, we would probably be long dead for killing an archangel. That's not an improvement.

You don't know that. We could have killed them all, taken over the city, and made rivers run with blood.

I scoffed. Keep dreaming.

If you let me out, everything would be different. We might not get out of here alive, but I would make the angels pay for what they did to us. I would make HIM pay.

"Shut up," I growled, tightening my grip on the bars. The cage creaked, and the cord stretched and wobbled dangerously, so I quickly loosened my hold and tried to calm my anger. "I can't think with your blabber in my head."

Thinking won't get you out of here. I would.

No, you wouldn't. The moment I let you out, you would break this contraption, and we would fall to our death. Also─

I never finished the thought because the cage started to move down the beam back towards the city's edge with a sharp tug. I looked at the sky that slowly turned from clear blue to orange and pink and noticed the sun dip below the horizon. If they wanted to drag me to trial already, they moved quickly.

Far too quickly. I still have no idea how to get out of this mess. But I'd be damned if I let those pompous pricks see me helpless and pathetically miserable.

I held on to the bars tighter and heaved myself to my feet. It was not easy in a swaying cage, considering it didn't have a typical floor, just crisscrossing bars all over, with huge holes through which I could see the clouds and the ground looming very far below.

I planted my feet stable on the bars and straightened my back, ready to face whatever they would throw at me with my head held high.

The cage got closer to the landing platform lined with more contraptions that were currently empty. The last remaining sun's rays reflected on an ornate golden armour. I gritted my teeth when I saw who pulled the lever getting me back to the landing.

Golden fricking Boy.

Let me out, and I'll cut him to pieces.

I pushed my inner demon to the depths of my being. I had enough fury and didn't need her to stoke the flame even more. Golden Boy had his fancy armour back and looked like some flaming miracle in the setting sun.

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