17.2 Sannarah

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Melkyal let go of my hand and turned back to the High Judge as the last witness finished his statement. "I have one last testimony that I'd like you all to hear. I left this one for the end because it is crucial for showing Raphael Gallagher's corruption." He paused for a better effect and turned to the crowd. "I call Buzran, a servant of the Fallen God, for a witness."

The crowd gasped once again. It was one thing to watch the trial where the demon was accused, but calling the Fallen out in the open to make a statement was unheard of. A Greed Demon sashayed through the plaza, shoulders hunched, hands in his pockets, looking unimpressed by all the attention. Still, the dark eyes were darting toward armoured angels, betraying his nervousness.

I wondered how much Melkyal paid him to make him come here.

"Have you ever conducted a business with Raphael Gallagher, Buzran?" Melkyal asked.

"Yes, I did."

"Tell us about the nature of that business."

"It was a couple of years ago. The man wanted to have more luck in his ventures. He said he lost a significant amount of money on some failed businesses and needed something to keep his family afloat...."

"That's slander!" the chubby Gallagher shouted again. "You can't believe a word that lying abomination is spouting!"

"Silence!" Omael smashed his gavel down. "It's the last warning. Raise your voice again, and I will have you and the rest of your family removed."

The nobles gasped, scandalized, but kept their mouths shut this time.

The High Judge looked back at Buzran from under knitted brows. "Continue."

"So, we made a deal. I ensured the man's next investments were lucrative."

"And the price of your assist was?" Melkyal prompted.

"His soul."

A wave of outrage rippled through the crowd.

"Do you have proof?" Omael asked, narrowing his eyes.

Buzran reached under the flap of his jacket and produced a rolled parchment. "Signed with his own blood."

The High Judge nodded at Anauel, and she rushed to the demon to look at the scroll. Her face turned solemn while she read, and she quickly nodded to Omael.

"Thank you for your testimony. That would be all," Melkyal said and bowed his head slightly to the demon. Buzran nodded, put the contract back in his pocket and strolled back to the crowd whistling an off-key tune.

"As you could all see," Melkyal continued addressing the crowd, "Raphael Gallagher was a cruel and corrupted man giving into his degenerated urges. He also sold his soul to the Fallen God many years ago to continue living his awful life getting advantage of those weaker than him." His voice rang loud and clear over the hushed crowd, all eyes set on him. "And that indirectly made him a servant of the Fallen God."

A few people shouted in agreement while nobles raised their voices in outrage. Melkyal turned to the High Judged and strolled closer to his desk. "How can we call this a breach of the Treaty? Gallagher has already condemned himself to eternal damnation. I would say that him getting killed by a demon is the inside business of the Fallen."

The Archangel of Wisdom looked at him in silence as if considering. My hope was raised again. Maybe it was not all in vain after all.

But then a spasm went through Omael as if lightning sailed through his body. He closed his eyes. His fist clenched and released, and he rolled his neck as if he tried to get rid of sudden stiffness. When his lids snapped open again, his lavender eyes were as cold as ever.

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