Chapter 1-Information

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Disclaimer: I repeat, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou. 

Author note: Do not worry, I am also updating "The Country in Time" along with this story, however, expect fewer updates, in this book I will be updating weekly (if you want to know why I am updating so fast in "The country in time" was because I had a lot of time but also because I am on Spring break).


1st America or the Union of North America

It is 2300, the world falls under American influence, although it was not always like this. China was once the world's strongest nation, but China also had a weakness, trusting artificial intelligence in robots. Although it did works for a few years, it soon backfired as the robots attack its maker. As robots were supposed to do whatever we say, a Chinese person said how to create a better world. The robot calculated that if humans were disposed than the world could be a better place. Then the Robotic Revolution broke out around the world, when it finally ended with a human victory, the world was in shambles, the USA, one of some of the only countries that didn't rely heavy on Robotic technology was one of the countries that took the least amount damage while China, the country who mainly relied of Robotic technology got hurt the most. With this great failure China had a revolution because of the robotic war in which the communist government falls and a new government is established as a democracy, America however didn't experience this and again became the world's leading superpower, the other countries that didn't trust robotic tech also became pretty powerful in their own right. America became the first country to establish a moon colony and begin expanding in space, soon Mar is colonized too by America, then many other planets got colonized as well, however Jupiter and Saturn was skip because of the difficult conditions they had, instead became wind farms for electricity, America also built a partial Dyson swarm around the sun to collect energy. American technology improves to be far beyond what we have today, with lasers, railguns, spaceships and more, as they went through the technological revolution in 2150 which was when you get new and innovated technologies in a short time and is the only country in the world that got one. Now it holds the title of the world's Hyperpower with no one even matching them in any area, it also defeated terrorism and drugs which was thought impossible by other countries.

Status: Hyperpower

Territory: The original 50 states, Canada and Mexico (They agree to become territories of America after the Robotic Revolution as they could not support themselves, it is also the reason why the USA change their name to UNA to symbolize it), half of the Moon (The other half was colonized by other countries), almost all of Mars (Again the remaining area was colonized by other countries), and the rest of the solar system (As only the UNA had the technology and materials to get to the other planets).

Wars (Since 2022): The Robotic Revolution (won), the War on Drugs (won), and the War on Terror (won).

Population: 64.8 billion people

Economy: Fully self-sufficient, GDP of around 1 quintillion US dollars (958.8 quadrillion in euro).

Education: People eat a knowledge pill at age 7 giving them the current information of all what American science knows, all of the current UNA knowledge of math, reading, science and history.

Satellite count: 200,000(30,000 on Earth's orbit) (Not including the military ones) (Yes, I'm not making the satellites disappear this time)

Government: Still a Constitutional Republic Democracy. 

The Two Americas, Godly Magic and Impossible Tech in Another Wo(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now