Chapter 7-The First war in the New World

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Disclaimer: I repeat again, I did not write the Percy Jackson Series, or Heros of Olympus those are by Rick Riordan, I also do not own or create Nihonkokou Shoukan (Summoning Japan) those rights belong to Minorou.

Author Note: Sorry I forgotten some things in the military comparison, cannons as they are in the 1800s, here it is:

Louria Kingdom vs Qua-Toyne Principality 

200 cannons vs 50 cannons 


USGNA mainland

Central calendar 1700, January 10th, 8:00 pm

One of Los Angeles Airports

3rd person

The prime minister and his Guard were leaving on an airplane to New York, in their time in Los Angeles, they had learned a lot of things, how to work a toilet, flip the lights on, etc. But most importantly how technologically advance the USGNA was compared to their country of Qua-Toyne Principality especially their military technology which they saw with a visit to one of their Air Force celebrations show featuring all of their plane for the military in their history, it also showed some demigods and mages. 

They now knew too never face the USGNA ever or their country would get completely destroyed without them doing anything to the USGNA, but now they also knew to quicky secure some kind of treaty or even an alliance which would be great with the threat of the Louria Kingdom going to war with them.

"So how was Los Angeles" question Ambassador Smith.

"It was amazing, how do you do everything without magic"

"We use technology, although some things do require mana to us, they are few and in-between, this is because it is much more effective to us technology than magic most of the time as magic requires mana from people which can get easily exhausted but electricity is something that can be produce infinitely, well, until our universe dies of course, and all energy sources disappear"

"So, can we have some of these technologies, can we have your military technology?"

"Not on the military technology because of a new law that prevents that sorry, but we can give you some of the commodities, of course our older versions though"

"Oh, that is disappointing" said the Prime Minister, if only if we had those technologies to fight against the Louria Kingdom thought the Prime Minister, they would be much better off without the fear of the Louria Kingdom. Soon they took off from the runway, the Prime Minister and the Guards didn't think much of it as the helicopter was much shakier.

After 5 hours of being in the sky, they finally touch down on one of New Yorks airport, they were escorted to the limousine before the crowd of reporters could get to them which they were used to from the experience from Los Angeles.  

Soon they arrived at a fancy hotel they were staying in New York; the Prime Minister was excited to see the statues of the Gods the USGNA were talking about, I mean that was what they were saying that they were going to meet the Gods, but he didn't know what was actually going to happen.

Soon the next day had arrived, the Prime Minister with his Guards went into the limousine after doing their morning routine that they were familiar with in the past 3 days, soon they reach a tall building, once the greatest building of all time in New York turned into a shallowed by the new modern building reaching higher than it will ever but now live to an even greater purpose as the gateway to the gods, the Empire State building. 

The Two Americas, Godly Magic and Impossible Tech in Another Wo(Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora