Chapter 6

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Sasuke had been trudging through the desert for what seemed like an eternity now. He looked beyond the large hills of sand and sighed as he saw no end in sight.

Obito had regained consciousness after Naruto had healed him, Sakura, Obito and Naruto's clone followed Kaguya through the time space using Obito's Kamui ability. Sarada and Boruto stayed behind with Kakashi.

After Kaguya had been fooled by Naruto's clone and went back to the ice dimension Sakura and Obito quickly got to work on finding Sasuke. Time passed they got to the third one. Acid waves came pouring out. Sakura quickly grabbed Obito and jumped to a higher location. She unfortunately got caught in the acid.

She ripped off her vest and her sleeve

"Are you alright?" Obito asked

"I'll be fine." Sakura responded as she held her arm in pain

"Maybe we should take a break so you can heal yourself first." Obito suggested

Sakura sighed

"I said I'm fine, we can't stop now. Sasuke's out there and he needs us to find him." She said a bit frustrated

"Are you sure-" Obito started but of course Sakura cut him off feeling quite angry now.

"Obito! Listen, my future daughter is in that ice hell desperately hoping that I'll bring her father back! The world needs Sasuke! Kaguya can't be defeated without Sasuke! I can't live without Sasuke!! My daughter won't be born WITHOUT Sasuke!!! I refuse to waste anymore time talking about myself and how I'M doing! I need to save the love of my life and WE need to do it NOW." She shouted

Obito was stunned for a second

"Ok, let's do it." He finally said

Sakura placed her hands on his shoulders and reactivated her hundred healings jutsu. Black lines appeared on her face and all along Obito's arms. Obito activated his Kamui ability again. A portal opened up and Sasuke was nowhere to be found again. They tried once more finally they arrived at the desert dimension.

There stood Sasuke still looking for some way out.

"Sasuke!!!" Sakura shouted

Sasuke quickly turned towards her voice

"Over here Sasuke!! Hurry!!" She yelled

He started running towards them as the hole began to close.

Sakura became frustrated

"Come on!!!! Chaaaaaa!!" She screamed as she put her all into it.

Sasuke ran as fast as he could

The hole closed

"Sasuke!!!" Sakura cried she stumbled back and fell over about to pass out from exhaustion. Suddenly she felt something behind her and a grip on her arm. Her emerald eyes looked up and saw his red eye.

"S-Sasuke? B-but how?" Sakura asked

"The Rinnegan allowed me to transport myself here. A-Are you alright Sakura?" He asked

"Uh huh...Sarada will be so happy to see you again." She said

"Sakura, t-thank you." Sasuke said with a slight blush creeping on his face

"Sasuke..." she said softly while blushing as well

Obito groaned in pain

"W-we n-need to get b-back!" He hissed

He activated his Kamui one more time and they were sent back to the ice world.

"Mom!! Dad!!" Sarada said

"Sasuke!!" Naruto said

Boruto smiled

Sasuke ran off to help Naruto

More time had passed, Obito and Kakashi saved Naruto and Sasuke, Obito saved Kakashi by absorbing a rod with his Kamui. Now he was dead, the fight with Kaguya continued for what seemed like forever.

Everyone was exhausted and running out of chakra

Kaguya laughed

"You cannot defeat me, you're all just mere children!" She spat

Sarada looked at Boruto who then nodded.

Sarada jumped into the air and Boruto used his gale palm and his shadow clones to launch her toward Kaguya.

"Now! Boruto, Mom, dad, lo- Naruto!!" Sarada called

"Chaaaaaaa!!" Sarada and Sakura yelled

Boruto launched himself as well

"Rasengan!!" He said

All of them hit Kaguya at the same time and knocked her out, or that's what they thought until Kaguya transformed into this giant white creature ball thing with animal heads on it. Kakashi had used Obito's Sharingan one last time and destroyed the thing. Which then released all of the tailed beasts chakras.

"Now!! Sasuke!" Naruto shouted

"Six paths planetary devastation!!!" They yelled

The ground came up and formed a giant ball.

"How the hell are we supposed to get out of here!?" Boruto asked

Naruto, Sakura and Boruto were panicking.

All of a sudden they were all back in their proper dimension, the sage of sixth paths sat in the center surrounded by passed Hokage's.

"Oh wow! The legendary Sage of Sixth Paths!!" Sarada beamed

"The Who?" Boruto asked

"Baka-Boruto." Sarada said as she hit him on the head

"Thank you, sixth path super gramps for saving all of us!" Naruto said

"My pleasure, now unfortunately the 4 Hokage must depart." He said

Naruto looked at his father and jumped towards him, he rambled on and on about how he was doing and how he doesn't want Kushina to worry about him. Tears were flooding down his face.

Boruto ran over

"Grandpa!! Tell grandma I said hi! I wish I could've spent more time with you!" He said as Minato's soul started to ascend into the sky.

Minato smiled "I'll tell her everything, I love you both! Happy birthday son!" He said before disappearing.

Boruto looked up at his father

"H-happy birthday dad..." he said shyly

Naruto chuckled as he wiped his tears and then hugged the smaller blonde.

The sage of sixth paths looked at Naruto and Sasuke

"The last thing is to release the infinite Tsukuyomi. Naruto, Sasuke you must make the sign of the rat at the same time to release the jutsu." The sage said

"Sasuke." Naruto said as he approached him

"No, the last thing I have to do is this. Planetary devastation!!" He said

Rocks formed around the tailed beasts and they were lifted into the air.

"Kurama!!" Naruto yelled

"Dad! What the hell are you doing!?" Sarada asked

"Starting a revolution." Sasuke hissed.

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