Chapter 10

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Sarada made her way to the Hokage's office, she noticed the door was open and Naruto wasn't there. She then went up to the roof and spotted him.

"L-lord seventh?" She asked as she approached him

"Hey Sarada!" Naruto said

Naruto could tell the girl was still shaken up, he put his arm around her.

" could you bare seeing him like that?" She asked

Naruto thought for a second, he looked to the sky then looked back at the Uchiha.

"It wasn't easy, I lost it some times trying to save him." He said

"What do you mean?" Sarada asked

"I pleaded in the snow to the former Raikage to not kill Sasuke." Naruto explained

"K-kill!?" Sarada asked

Naruto realized what he said

"Well...yeah...don't tell your parents I told you that ok? I've gotten beaten up by Sakura enough today..." Naruto pleaded

"That's why.....that's why he wasn't around....people were after him and they wanted him dead...he really was protecting us....when I finally met him I treated him terribly....he's probably used to that huh?" Sarada said

"It was always like that...for us...people wanted me dead too.." Naruto said

"Boruto told me some of the stories you told him about when you were a the villagers hated you and you'd pull pranks to get their attention.."

Naruto laughed a little

"Yeah." He said

"Dad did everything all because of revenge....he wanted revenge on uncle Itachi and then wanted revenge on the village.....I can't imagine what it was like for you and my mom....seeing him change like that...." Sarada said

Naruto sighed

"It was hard but you know something Sarada? You helped in this too. Even though when you were born it was after he changed, you and Sakura changed him even more. He's much softer then he used to be..even though he says he's not. He always talks about you two." Naruto explained

"That's why Aoda knew who I was." Sarada giggled

"You're Sasuke's proudest accomplishment. The best thing that ever happened to him."

Sarada smiled a little

"You think so?" She asked

"I'd have to agree with you Naruto!" A familiar voice said

"Kakashi sensei!?" Naruto asked

"Lord 6th? What are you doing here?" Sarada asked

"Well I just happened to be passing by and reading my book when I noticed you two all the way up here. So naturally I got a little curious." Kakashi said

"I see..." Naruto said

"So you're still a bit curious about your old man huh Sarada?" Kakashi asked as he walked over to them.

"Well, um...yeah...." Sarada said now feeling a bit nervous

"Relax, Sasuke gave me my memories back too. I know everything." Kakashi stated

Naruto groaned "what happened to keeping it secret??" He asked slightly annoyed

"Maybe he thinks I'd have some good advice for his precious daughter hm?" Kakashi asked

"What was it like for you? Lord were his sensei after witnessed all of it..." Sarada asked

"I think it was difficult for all of us, especially Naruto and Sakura...I had seen my fair share of death and such but nothing prepared my for my student leaving the village to gain more power." Kakashi said

They didn't even need to explain any further..Sarada understood. Her father sought power from Orochimaru so he left the village to get that power to kill her uncle.

"I see." Sarada said

Kakashi placed his hand on the girls shoulder.

"Don't worry so much Sarada, everything will be fine." He said

Sarada nodded but was stunned when her father appeared.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked

Sasuke ignored the dobe and his former sensei, he approached his daughter.

"Dad?" She asked

"Sarada..... I'm sorry...." He said

"Huh?" She asked as she looked up at him.

"I hurt you, that's all I've ever done is hurt the people that mean the most to me. None of you deserved to be treated that way."

" were 16 were in pain and were going through so much that I wouldn't have ever been able to imagine." Sarada said

"That's no excuse for how I behaved towards everyone, you and Sakura especially." Sasuke said

"What about me?" Naruto asked

"Dad! Stop it! If mom was really hurt by everything you did she wouldn't have wanted to go with you. I wouldn't even be here. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Stop apologizing! Just...." Sarada stopped herself from finishing.

"Just what?" Sasuke asked

" won't leave for that long again......please dad....I...I need you and mom needs you...."

"Not to butt in but I'm pretty sure Naruto needs you too. You're all he talks about even now." Kakashi teased

Naruto blushed hard and became angry

"Sensei!!!" Naruto hissed

Kakashi laughed and disappeared, Naruto followed.

Sarada signaled for Sasuke to bend down, he did and she poked his forehead.

She smiled brightly and hugged him tight.

"I'll never leave you like that again." Sasuke said softly.

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