Chapter 1. ( To be strong ).

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" Hey! Diana come in for breakfast ." sir Edward called out. Seven year old Diana ran to the stone house after playing with her friends .  Sir Edward sat down on is special chair at the dinning table as is wife Sara served the dishes .
" humm, delious mother." Diana said , eating the yam soup in delight. Sara looked at her daughter and smile.
" young lady, do not forget that your training starts after breakfast."
" but papa?"
" do not BUT me. After the battle you have become so lazy and  weak."
Sara looks so upset with her husband. She wish that her husband could at least be able to realized that Diana shouldn't be trained and treated like a man. Thinking of this ; Diana wouldn't be able to behave like a woman in the future.
" Now , be fast with your breakfast so that we can go for the training."
"Yes, papa". She said with a boring tone.
" in the future , I  want you to be independent, to be strong not a frailge thing that one can give a kick and faint. You could be thinking that I'm too much, but when you come of age you will understand."
" I want you to be better than me and your mother."
Diana looked at her father, and smile.
" I will always achieve that , Papa."
Sir Edward smiled and pat her daughter's blonde hair. Sara looked at her daughter feeling so worried . Diana finished her food and stood up along her with her father. They walked out of the house , walking straight to the training ground. Sir Edward took two swords and threw one to his daughter.
"Now, be set on your position."
"Yes Papa."
" stand straight, and make sure you maintain a good distance a little bit."
" yes papa."
Sir Edward started he training for eleven years with her daughter. Day after day Diana become stronger as time went by. Sara watched how the village daughters performing their duties through domestic work they do at their homes  from a young age to when they come of age. She wasn't comfortable with the system of a father training her daughter like a man. Luckily enough was able to fine a good opportunity to talk to her husband. During those days woman are not allowed to look their husbands in the eye when they talk to them, they are not to disrespect their husbands or be against them in any decision they take.
                   Sara walked up to her husband and sat down beside him on the wooden chair.
" Chief dear." She called out.
" I want to discuss something ..."
"Talk to me, darling. Are you bothered about something ?"
"Yes  I am. It about our daughter, Diana."

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