Ch. 32 Rip and tear

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My sister as usual has decided to entertain Jacob and his idiocy. I swear if she comes back crying I am not going to care at all.

We were walking to the school and Cat looked at me and said "She will be fine… I think. Don't try to worry too much."

I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders and said "I am not worried at all." She looked at me and I said "I am done barking at the wrong tree." She looked at me and I said "Don't."

She chuckled and said "I didn't say anything. But you must be stressed. You should fetch yourself a stress ball?"

She laughed and I looked at her and winked and said "Now, why would I buy a third stress ball?"

She looked at me and she said "Let's get to class."


It was lunch time. Cat and I were out for a walk, it was a little more peaceful and lately all of us have been under a lot of pressure so it felt relaxing to just let go for a moment. We were walking through the woods, and the leaves started to fall from the trees.

Cat looked at me and said "Ah, yes I should tell you before I forget. Esme wants you to come for dinner tonight. She's been missing you. She also wanted to invite Bella but knowing from the past she won't be home until late so…"

I looked at Cat and said "And what about Charlie?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said "Well, the dogs are taking care of it. And besides, we will be back before 6. You don't have to worry."

I smiled and said. "Alright but can you tell her to make like Pizza and stuff? I am craving it for some reason."

She nodded and said "Yeah, sure."

I looked at her and asked "You sure we can't?"

She looked at me and said "No!"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Just checking if you changed your mind or not."

She looked at me and asked "What is with you outdoors?"

I sighed and said "Maybe some of my animal tendencies, who knows?"

She said "You better keep your paws off me mister."

I chuckled and ran towards her and said "I am not too sure about that."

She ran and said "Catch me if you can."

I said "Oh, I can but it comes at the cost of our clothes."

She giggled and ran and I ran after her.


(Riley's Pov)

Victoria was right that the beast is a monster. He decimated us like we were nothing… and I couldn't even complete my mission. I can't go to Victoria as a failure. I need to do it even if it costs me everything.

It was starting to get dark and I made my way to Forks. I knew that as soon as I went in there I was on the clock. I need to get that and get out. As fast as I can.

I reached the house and I couldn't see if anyone was in there. I jumped on the roof and opened the window and entered the home.

This was her room… I looked around and I familiarised myself with this stench. I then looked for something recently worn by that bitch.

I checked the cupboards and it was all washed clothes. I closed it and then I went looking for clothes. There must be some clothes.

I went looking. I checked the bathroom upstairs but there was nothing. I went downstairs to check. There was a familiar smell.

I went downstairs and I saw someone sleeping on the couch must be her father. I went to the bathroom and there was a laundry basket with her clothes.

I bend to pick it up. I grabbed it and took a whiff. But then someone came behind me.

"Move and I will blow your brains out." I turned and the look on his face. It looked like he recognised me. He was confused and said "Riley?"

I smiled and said "You know me, that's nice."

I punched his stomach and grabbed his spine and broke it. I removed my hand and blood came from his mouth. I let go of him and he fell down on the floor like a wet mop. He grabbed his stomach trying to keep his guts inside.

I crouched down and said "Let's see how that bitch would feel when she sees you lying on the floor with guts and blood spilled all over the floor."

He pointed his gun at me and pulled his trigger. I dodged the bullet and he was surprised to see that. I looked at him and laughed. He fired it again and again.

I dodged them all and then he said "If you touch a hair on my daughter's head. I will kill you."

I laughed and walked toward him and stomped on his leg. I crushed his knee. He cried in pain and I smiled and did the same to his other leg. I laughed and said "You have quite the conviction. But how will you do that when you are dead?"

I was about to kill him but then some wolves bursted through the window. I had to run. There were too many wolves… but I grabbed the t-shirt on the way and ran.


I was at Cullens and we were sitting around and talking. Then I got a call and so did Esme. It was from Sam. I picked it up and said "What's up Sam?"

He sounded a little dark and he sighed and said "It's your Dad… come to the hospital."

I got up and words just won't come out of my mouth. "Ww…what happened to him? Is he okay?"

Sam said "He is in the hospital… I don't know, just come… we are here."

I said "I'm coming."

Cat said "I'll drive."

We got in the car and Cat was driving and she looked at me and held my hand. I just looked out the window and I just couldn't think of anything… The thought of him was the only thing that was repeating over and over in my head.

We reached the hospital and Cat asked for Charlie. He was in operation… They said it was an animal attack and that he had lost blood.

We reached the waiting room and Bella was there and she was crying. She looked at me and she ran to me and hugged me.

I took in deep breaths and said "Hey, hey look at me he will be fine. He is strong, we know it. He will pull through."

Sam came and he said "It was him. We…"

I looked at him and said "There will be a time for this… right now. I need some silence."

There was anger and rage burning deep inside me. I will find that bastard and I will rip him into pieces.

We all waited for hours waiting for any update to come. Then Charlisle came out and he said "Chris."

Bella looked at me and I nodded and I got up and went to him. He said "He is stable now, his spine was snapped, and his knees are crushed to bits… he will not be able to walk… "

I sighed and said "Is there anything else? Will… will he survive?"

He said "We won't know more until he wakes up." He touched my shoulders and said "Be strong Chris… your sister needs you."

He then walked away. Bella came to me and asked "What happened?"

I sighed and smiled and said "He said he is stable now."

She smiled and hugged me and I said "Yeah, I told you he is a tough soul…" I whispered "A vamp is nothing to him."

I don't know if he will wake up or not but I can only hope.

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