Ch.44 It's time for the dance battle!

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A few days have passed since the first day we did the training and in the few days Bella had a dream that Victoria was behind all this and was coming for her. Seems like visions and weird dreams run in our family. So we decided to hide Bella and lay a trap of sorts for the newborn army.

Bella will hide in the mountains with Edward and Jacob, dad and I insisted that she should at least take dad with her but she said some reconciliation bullshit and we gave up. The trap should be good enough to fool them.

What was the trap you might ask, it was nothing but her clothes. We would concentrate her scent in an open area in the woods so that when the army comes to kill her they find us and we kill them... simple.

Today was the last day before the battle started. It was morning Cat and I were laying on my bed lazing around, dad has been a little more giving in the few days. He has allowed Cat and Edward to stay on a condition of no funny business which is a great loss for us but it was practically the same for Edward and Bella.

The sun was shining through the window. It was a clear day. I was a little happy because of it. It would mean that Cat won't have to go school and I could ditch classes. We both were just laying there Cat and I would fight, she was a bit worried for me which was sweet of her.

I was playing with her hair and she had her head laying on my chest and she mumbled, "You promise not to be reckless?"

I chuckled and she bit me and she said, "I am serious." she looked at me and her face really did have a worried expression.

I smiled and said, "I promise to be careful." Her worried expression eased up a bit and I said, "Why do you worry so much, they won't be able to do anything to me."

She glared at me and said, "I get that you are nearly indestructible but arrogance can be your downfall Chris and I don't wish to see something happen to you. I won't be able to..."

I chuckled and said, "And you won't have to..." I looked at her and said, "I promise to be extra careful okay?"

She nodded and laid her head down, we both stayed like that for a while there. After a while Dad called us to have breakfast. We all went down and had some breakfast. We were sitting at table dad, Bella and I were eating and Edward said, "We should go and scout out the place and lay some last traps before the battle starts."

I nodded and said, "Good idea, you going to ask Jacob to come as well?"

Bella sighed and nodded and I said, "You know that we could have done the same."

Bella exhaled and said, "I am not having this discussion again. I just want to..." I cut her short and said, "Reconcile I get it." Dad chuckled and Cat threw a glare at me. I just shook my head and finished my breakfast.

After the breakfast was done, Edward, Bella and I went to lay out the traps. When we reached there we saw Jacob, Seth, Leah there as well. I got off my bike and I said, "Good morning."

Jacob nodded and Leah and Seth greeted me. I walked over to them and said, "Who is ready to lay out some traps?"


We were walking in the woods, Bella had pricked her finger and was making the woods left and right and we were looking out to see if someone was sent here as a scout or something.

I was walking with Leah, Seth and Jacob were walking together and Leah asked me, "You excited?"

I chuckled and said, "A little yes but I am concerned for her and others as well."

She smiled and said, "Oh come on tomorrow victory is guaranteed. You and your dad will be fighting with us."

I chuckled and looked at her and she said, "It's true, you two are like titans, honestly I was impressed the first time I saw you."

I looked at her and said, "Oh really?"

She looked at me and said, "I mean who wouldn't be you took care of Jacob and Sam, they both are the strongest of our pack... honestly it's no surprise people want to be like you."

I looked at her and asked, "Do you desire it as well?" She looked at me and I said, "Do you want to be what I am?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe, who knows?"

As we reached the top, the night started to fall. Bella turned towards us and said, "You guys should leave now."

I walked towards her and I said "If you need us just call, Dad and I will be here before you can blink." She chuckled and hugged me and I said to the both of them, "Please do not fight for one day..." Jacob rolled his eyes and Edward chuckled.

She let go of me and I kissed her forehead and said, "Stay safe." She nodded and said, "Don't be reckless tomorrow." I nodded and then I turned and I saw that they had already turned into wolves.

I looked back and waved at her and then I turned as well and started to run. We reached the place where we had first met and I turned back and said to them, "I'll see you guys in the morning." Seth nodded and Leah wasn't even looking and they left. I wore the extra shorts that were stuffed in my bag and left on my bike.

I reached home in the late evening. Cat had already left and she was going hunting with her family. They needed the juice before the big battle. Dad and I were the only ones left at home. We both ate and were now sitting on the sofa and watching T.V. He was fidgeting with his bottle and it looked like he wanted to ask something.

I asked him, "You want to ask something?"

He shook his head and took a sip and looked forward. After a few seconds he asked, "Why can't I get drunk?"

I looked at him and he said, "I know I shouldn't be asking but come on I am a little curious cause I am not even getting a little buzzed."

I looked at him and said, "It's because we have enhanced metabolism, everything burns faster... theoretically you can get drunk but it would require a large amount of alcohol to do so."

He nodded and said, "Wanna test it out?"

I looked at him and said, "Okay." We both went into the kitchen and he got 3 the 6 packs out and opened one can and when I went to get one he shot my hand down and said, "You are not testing it, someone needs to keep count."

I sighed and he started to drink, he finished the 3 packs and he was still standing he burped but it was more like a belch he said, "I am not even a little buzzed, this blows."

I nodded and said, "You can say that again... come on let's go to sleep... we have a big day tomorrow."

He nodded and we cleaned up the kitchen a little and went to sleep. I crashed on my bed and was instantly pulled in. I was standing in front of Lucien. He had a wide grin on his face and honestly it looked a little disturbing. He said, "So tomorrow is your first big battle huh? You must be excited."

I nodded and said, "Yeah kinda am to be honest a little nervous as well. I mean you don't really know what will happen in a battle like this."

He seemed confident in me and scoffed and said, "Oh, please you will be fine. They can be a little tough but there is nothing for you to be worried about."

I shook my head and said, "I am worried for Cat, Lucien..."

He nodded and said, "Well, then it is good that you are worried... cause the newborns are troubled especially when they are trained but if you two stay close you both will walk out unscathed."

I exhaled and said, "Let's hope that." I looked at him and asked, "Any advice for me?"

He nodded and said, "Be ruthless, Chris." He had a sinister smile on his face when he said that.

I was woken up early by dad, it was time. I looked at the clock and it was about 4 in the morning and he smiled and said, "Come on son, we have vampires to hunt."

I chuckled and got up. That was a little too dramatic. But "Yeah, let's go hunting."

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