Chapter 10: Unwanted Companion

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Surprisingly, Wanda was actually able to stay with the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey for quite a while this time around. For a whole two weeks. She was surprised that they did not immediately go to the SS Madame de Pompadour right after their last adventure. It had always seemed as if the Doctor had taken Rose and Mickey straight there after Sarah Jane's reunion and farewell. But instead, much of their time was spent on the TARDIS. Rose, Wanda, and Mickey had a blast just exploring around the ship, finding all the different fun rooms which the TARDIS had made for them. The swimming pool and library were, by far, Wanda's favorite.

Rose demanded that her and Wanda have a 'girl's night' every night. Mostly involving watching old corny movies, eating popcorn, and throwing said popcorn at the telly in a fit of laughter when the moments in the movies were just too silly. Much like what Wanda and Shelly had done back in the village. The Doctor and Mickey would sometimes be dragged into these nights with them. They did complain, but neither put up too much of a fight. Mickey and Wanda had gotten into the habit of playing video games against each other while Rose and the Doctor watched. Mickey won most of the time, but Wanda still had fun.

Then, on the Doctor's request, Wanda would provide them some entertainment almost every night by playing her violin for them. Wanda had been very nervous at first. She had never played much in front of people before. But the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey always said how much they loved listening to her play, so she learned to enjoy it greatly. Though, she could never really get rid of her blush while they watched her.

Then for one adventure, the Doctor had taken them all to a rather large planet made entirely into an amusement park. Wanda was so giddy and excited when she saw where they were, that the cheeky grin on the Doctor's face had gone unnoticed by her. Though, Rose and Mickey both did. Rose elbowed Wanda slightly, whispering to her that he had took notice of her saying she had never been to a carnival before, and was now trying to upstage his future incarnation. Wanda just stared at Rose in confusion, not sure what the girl had meant. But Wanda's confusion wore off as she had a blast at the amusement park. There were so many more rides and games than that from the other carnival she had been to. The rollercoasters were by far her favorite. The one thing that did bother her was the fact that, no matter how much she tried to get Rose and the Doctor to enjoy the rides together, Rose always seemed to suddenly disappear at the last moment. Then it would be the Doctor and her riding beside one another. Wanda knew she just needed to work harder in getting Rose and the Doctor to have time together. They needed to get closer if their relationship was going to work.

Then came the time when Wanda finally left. They had just gotten back on the TARDIS, everyone laughing after having such a great time when the white light started up once again. Wanda stumbled as she could barely make out where she walked. They all just smiled sympathetically and waved at her as the white light consumed her completely.

She reappeared back in a TARDIS corridor. By the design of it, it looked as if she were still in Ten's TARDIS. However, things did seemed slightly . . . gloomier than from where she had just left. Walking down the corridor towards the control room, she found that she had a much easier time navigating through the TARDIS. Though, strangely, she never had much of a hard time to begin with. Maybe the old girl just always helped her to where she needed to go.

She walked into the control room to find, not Ten, but Nine standing there. His back faced her while he, himself, faced Rose. He threw a glass orb up and down in the air as he talked with the blonde girl.

"Right, then, Rose Tyler. You tell me, where do you want to go," he said lightly as he continued to throw the orb up and down. "Backwards or forwards in time. It's you choice. What's it gonna be?"

Rose went to answer, but paused as she saw Wanda walked into the room.

"Um, hello?" Rose called in uncertainty over Nine's shoulder, waving to Wanda. Nine turned around to face the new comer. Wanda gave a small smile and waved. His reaction was not what she had been expecting. He backed up to stand closer to Rose, placing himself slightly in front of her for protection. The orb held tightly in his hand. Wanda's smile dropped instantly as did her hand.

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