Chapter 22: Crystalmere Clouds

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Hey, readers! :)

Please note, this chapter is actually not part of the original plot.


Wanda lay on her bed, staring up to the starry ceiling, relaxing after a nice shower and a change of clothes. She had been transported to Eleven's time a few hours ago. He was alone at the current moment, during a period when Amy and Rory did not travel as much with him as they had in the past. Wanda wished she could have seen them, especially after that last adventure, to reassure herself that they were alive and well. And maybe, in some ways, to have them around as some comfort. The adventure with the Gangers . . . had really unsettled her. All she wanted right now was to sort of cuddle up next to Amy, Rory, River, or even the Doctor, and simply let her mind go of its constant struggling to understand and make sense of what was happening around her.

Wanda sighed, sitting up off the bed and moved over to her desk. She shuffled some of the music sheets around, looking for the most recent one she had been working on. Finding it, she sat down and smiled. It was a nice piece she had made in between running around with the Doctor. She hoped to play it for older Eleven and Clara whenever she saw them again. She had worked on it mostly for him, wishing for the happy melody to cheer him up after their time of star gazing. She knew he needed a joyful note in his life. Especially with what was to come later down the road for him.


Wanda jumped, startled by River's sudden appearance behind her. The woman grinned, chuckling at the girl's reaction. Wanda smiled, rolling her eyes. This had become sort of a routine of River, constantly wanting to make quick scares for Wanda. But Wanda was happy for it. It was the same way Tina used to surprise Wanda when returning home from a long trip. In fact, how River acted and behaved, the adventurous woman reminded Wanda of her older sister in many ways. As well as how River enjoyed teaching Wanda the ropes of time travelling, poker games, how to be cunning with some things, telling wonderful stories of her own travels, and even some brief lessons on self-defense. Just like Tina. Wanda smiled on thinking on this, knowing how much of a wonderful older sister River has become to her.

"Hi, River," Wanda giggled, smiling brightly to the woman. "Nice seeing you again."

"Hey, sweetie. The Doctor said you'd be back here," River said, responding with her own bright smile. She leaned over Wanda's shoulder to examine the music sheet. "What're you working on?"

"Oh, just a little something," Wanda replied, gathering up the different sheets and placing them back into a drawer.

There were so many different music sheets within the desk. So many spoilers. But Wanda made sure to never truly look at any she did not already know. She only glanced at the titles. Any that she did not recognize she would move to the back of the pile and continue her search. One such title caught her eye briefly. For Our Lost Spark. Wanda placed a few more music sheets on top of this one, burying it deep beneath the pile of happy notes. River snatched up the sheet Wanda had been studying on the desk.

"Nice. I like it," River remarked, smiling at the music.

Wanda raised a curious brow to her friend. "Can you read music?"

River sat the sheet back down, laughing lightly. "Nope. But I can always pretend I do." They both chuckled. River bounced up with a smile. "Come on, it's time we have some fun today." River grabbed Wanda's hand and dragged her out of the room.

She dragged Wanda right past the Doctor, who had just left the control room. He blinked in surprise at them with one foot midway in step from his strolling through the corridors.

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