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Ahh, darkness. It has been awhile since we've been reintroduced, hasn't it?

Well, let me first just say how wonderful it is to see you again!

Oh, wait, that's right.

You can't actually talk back to me so would you look at that!

I'm basically just talking to myself then!

Ah, yes, the joys of being deemed mentally insane, the good benefits must outweigh the bad side effects, right?

Because once you're declared mentally insane, life doesn't seem so bad!

You can freely talk to yourself without anyone bothering you and as a matter of fact, nothing really bothers you at all then!

Because you know, deep, deep down inside, past the years of conforming to society's standards and preferences, you know that you're different from everybody else and finally, everybody else has accepted this fact as well!

As long as they know you beforehand, that is, and know that you're not just pretending to be crazy but then again, who in their own right mind would purposefully act like a sociopath just for shits and giggles?

Strange saying that is, if you ask me.

Could it not be something else along the lines of, "for urination and bouts of rambunctious laughter?" instead?

Yeah, I'll admit, that sounded a bit weirder than I intended for it to be but hey, who would want to listen to the girl who talks to herself?

Literally nobody, that's who.

Anyways, I guess it's back to our regularly scheduled program then, folks.

My head felt woozy as the Calypso was plunged into the empty darkness that space offered it and my vision swam as turbulence jostled the ship side to side, my hands reaching out to brace myself against the control panel as I tried my hardest not to be thrown from the Captain's seat altogether.

It was hard, to say the least, given the fact that there were basically no seatbelts on this whole ship as it wasn't exactly supposed to act like an easy-to-use automobile like the transportation vehicles were back on Earth.

Even though it wasn't exactly what I would call a pleasant experience, the darkness rapidly gave way to light and once the turbulence ended and I no longer felt like I was going to barf my guts up from the side to side shaky vibrations, my jaw dropped open as my features became illuminated by the glow of the wide open galaxy that lay seemingly mere inches away from my fingertips.

And you know what I found to be the strangest thing out of all of the insanity that had transpired in my life recently?

It was more of the fact that I was so unfazed by it, the view of the galaxies, that I almost wanted to reach out and touch the stars with my fingers.

To lose myself in the awe of their beauty and be transported to another world entirely, one that only consisted of me and the stars that decorated the sky beyond.

But realistically speaking, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon unless I, you know, wanted to stop breathing permanently and since that wasn't the case, I may have a death wish but it wasn't like I actually wanted to die right now or anything, I'd have to be content with the brief viewing that I was given for the moment and get on with my tasks.

One of which consisted of me now having to kick my ass into high gear so that Commander Ophelia wouldn't be able to track me down if I was far enough away from the Celestial.

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