formal introduction

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"Yes, I am female."

My eyes widened even as I tried to steel my expression from giving any emotions away, I could not let this creature have any sort of advantage over me or Zion.

My cousin was too naive to the ways of the world and the foreign creatures that inhabited many of the planets out in the vast array of galaxies, he was too kind to many of the deadly predators out there and if it wasn't for me, he would have died a long time ago out here in the wilderness.

But it had been his decision to join me when I had been dethroned and cast aside as if I had not meant a single thing other than a means to an end to my father, the rightful ruler of Zubine even as the torch had been passed onto my brother, Zephyr.

Though he would never admit it, my father would miss ruling over his kingdom and land, he would miss the power trip that it gave him, the luxury of ordering servants around, of swiftly moving through the crowds of commoners who gasped and were shoved away for daring to look in the direction of the king.

No, he would not verbally admit it but his demeanor would speak for ages to come and from miles away, one could tell that he would be miserable in the life of retirement that he chose for himself.

But he made that decision, that sacrifice for his kingdom, to step down from the throne and to pass the treasured legacy onto my less grateful and equally as fortunate brother of mine.

Zephyr did not care for the kingdom or its people, he could barely care for himself as it was!

Zephyr could barely remember to dress himself in a proper manner, how ever was he to care for an entire kingdom, the finances with costs for products in our land rising with every dry and barely flourishing sowing season that passed, or the millions of creatures that inhabited our overpopulating land, let one the laws that should have been passed ages ago for the rights of our people?

I used to think that Zephyr simply didn't care to understand why we did certain things the way that we did them, or maybe he thought he was too high above those to be tricked into caring for others outside of his innermost circles.

But now I was beginning to understand that it wasn't a matter of arrogance or ignorance, it was a matter of education as well.

See, Zephyr wasn't exactly the brightest out of the bunch but he had a temper that got him far in life, further in life then my own temperance had gotten me, that is.

And when Zephyr wanted something his way, he then got it his way.

If I wasn't more annoyed with his ways, I might have been jealous in my youth; Growing up as the eldest child, having to care for my brother and cousin in more caring ways than my father ever displayed as our mother was nowhere to be found after our planet was wiped of the female species long ago.

But seeing as it were, I was not jealous nor envious of my brother.

I was, quite literally speaking, fed up with his bothersome, dramatic antics.

Quite alike to how I was getting fed up with this creature's antics as well.

Why was this female acting so dramatic about her woes in life?

First she tried to escape from us earlier before I hauled her back to our campsite, second she may have tried to attack me when she first arrived on our home planet and third…Well, I couldn't exactly think of a third reason but my points were valid and that was all that mattered right now.

However, as annoyed as I may be, I was still astonished to find out that this creature, this sentinel being that I thought was male in a very late youthful stage, was indeed female instead and I could feel a darkening frown creasing the lines on my forehead.

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