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The dimly lit room had paper scattered everywhere as Clara tried to design new weapons for the army. Lila was soundly asleep in their room and the older girl made sure to check on her every hour or two.

Dark circles marked her eyes as she studied the pieces of paper in front of her, adding new lines and sketches as well as some notes on how the mechanisms of them would work. Clara had planned to meet up with the town's blacksmith to discuss the new weapons the next day after training the young men who wanted to become knights.

Suddenly, the sound of hammering on her door broke her out of her focused thought process. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked back into her room, sighing in relief when she saw that her little sister was still sleeping peacefully. With quick and quiet steps, she went over to the door and opened it widely, startling the man standing there hammering something to her home.

The paper that had been nailed onto her door was illuminated by the moonlight, just enough for Clara to turn to the man with steel eyes.

"What is that?" she asked sternly.

"It's only what I've been ordered to do, miss." he gulped, stepping back. 

"Why is there a paper saying I'm about to lose my home?" she asked once again, crossing her arms.

"It's the law, miss." he said shakily. "Duke Rowan had declared that only men may own properties, and uhh, since you're alone..."

"That is ridiculous!" she exclaimed. "I can't live in my own home just because I'm a woman?"

"Well, no," he stuttered. "it's because you're unmarried and have no guardian."

Clara let out a tired huff, rubbing her face with her hands as she mumbled under her breath: "That idiot possum..."

Then she ripped out the paper and handed it to the man.

"I'm keeping my home." she stated. "Now if you excuse me, I have work to attend to."


"Oh and do keep it down, my little sister is asleep." with those last words, she closed the door and walked back to the table, dropping herself onto a chair as she slammed her head onto the wooden surface, getting a paper stuck to her forehead.

Had Lila not been asleep, Clara would have rushed to the castle and woken up Victor to discuss the new law that took away a huge right from the women of the kingdom. With a groan she lifted herself up and walked quietly into her room, hoping to finally get a full night asleep.

 With a groan she lifted herself up and walked quietly into her room, hoping to finally get a full night asleep

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Waking up earlier than usual, Clara headed to the castle eagerly, dropping off her sister at the inside school. Taking large steps, the girl is met with the Prince's manservant on his way to deliver the young royal's breakfast.

"Good morning, Matthew!" she grinned at him, earning a smile back. "How are you?"

"Morning, Clara." he smiled. "I'm alright, how are you?"

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