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Sooo...I drew Avelyn? Well, I tried to. I just got myself a drawing tablet because I got straight A's in uni last semester (woop woop!!) and I have yet to learn to draw digitally!! I will hopefully draw more visuals of Avelyn and the characters once I get better at this!! 

Idk why it's not as bright when I post it here :(

What do you guys think?

Anyways, put on your seatbelts because you're in for a ride!

"More and more recruits sign up every day," Clara stated. "It's getting harder to organize, but my knights are a big help, we'll manage."

"What if we assigned new training areas for the rising numbers?" Victor suggested, sitting up straightly as he looked at his father whose eyebrows rose.

"That's a good idea, Victor." He smiled. "How about we make that your new project?"

"I'd be honored." He smiled back.

Clara's eyes flickered between the two, noticing how carefree they grew to be around each other lately. They rarely argued anymore, giving the other space to explain their side of the argument.

She liked seeing them at ease.

The gentle calmness of the room was interrupted by the door slamming open as a knight ran in, frantically looking for the general to report some grim news.

"Shuroo is under attack." He said. "The numbers are large."

Clara's ears began to ring the second that name was brought up. For a second, her mind glazed over and all she could see was herself as she cowered away from the bandits. Her breath got caught in her throat as she remembered the suffocating air that surrounded her home when they lit it on fire.

Snapping out of it when Victor called her name, her gaze hardened.

"Gather our men, we're going now." She ordered, quickly setting off towards the exit.

"I'll go get Lila." Victor stated before he ran off to find the little girl, not allowing anyone to protest.

 She turned to the king. "Be careful, I suggest you hide just in case. I'll handle them."

Clara's chest tightened and her heart was beating out of her ribcage. Her mouth felt dry and her lips stuck to each other, slightly cutting her off from yelling out orders to her knights as she ran over to her own horse after grabbing her weapons; grateful that she'd already been wearing her armor.

The world around her darkened as she neared the small town, an all too familiar smell invaded her senses and she grew angrier. Her ears picked up on the screams of the civilians and all she wanted to do was harm those who caused it. 

She didn't wait for any of her knights to catch up when she set off to fight the bandits; taking her sharpened sword out of its sheath and yelling out in fury as she swung the blade expertly at the enemy. 

Particles of ashes flew in the air, sticking onto her hair and sweaty forehead, but that didn't stop her from fighting with all her might despite being outnumbered until her knights arrived behind her, joining in the fight.

A little girl screamed in the distance and her heart dropped at the sound, distracting her enough to let one of the bandits slash her abdomen. Yelling out in pain, she faced him again, her eyes sending a chill down his spine in fear as she approached him with her sword in tow. The last thing he saw was the furious and hateful gaze of the general before his world was no more.

Not even glancing at the limp body, Clara directed Shadow to where she had heard the scream, jumping off of her horse as soon as she saw the girl being approached by a large man holding a dagger in his hand; his menacing grin implanted itself in Clara's mind, causing her scar on her shoulder to sting.

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