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In the bus you fell asleep because it was early in the morning and you didn't get sleep at night.
After a few hours you wake up because we got to this rich ass school and everyone was getting ready to go out of the bus.

Your class was sleeping in gymnastic halle so everybody left their bags in there and went to explore this school.
You and Charlotte went outside and Ethan was following close behind making cringe comments about you. He was getting on your nerves already but you didn't show it. After some time walking around the school teachers said it's sleeping time so everybody went to a gymnastic halle.

When the teachers fell asleep some boys from academic from this school come to hall and said they were throwing a party near the pool.
Everyone get excited and started walking out of the hall.
You didn't wanted to go, you didn't liked this type of things but Charlotte was beginning you to come and Ethan was mocking you because you didn't wanted to go. So you decided it's maybe wouldn't be that bad and you went to this party.

Everyone was drinking and having fun. Charlotte was drunk as fuck already. You drink some beers and nothing more.
You were looking in your phone for some time and you lost Charlotte of your sight so you decided to go look for her.
You was walking through many people and someone push you. You lost your balance and fell into pool.
You were in shook, but then you feel a pair of strong arms pulling you out of the water.

Everyone eyes was on you. Charlotte come up to you
"Are you okay?! What happened??" She said in worry
"I think I'm fine"
You now get into your sense again and now you were mad.
In that time you heard giggles and you look in the way the sound was coming from. You see Ethan laughing and his eyes was pierced into you.
In that moment you know that he pushed you. You were boiling from anger and you were ready to go punch him in his face, but before you did that a question come into you mind.
Who take me out of the pool?

 you're mine.. forever~ (obsessive yandere boyfriend x reader)Where stories live. Discover now