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"Can you untie me..? Please" you ask him. You decided to play along with him to maybe get his trust and try to run away.
"Why?? I love to see you tied up~" he said with a innocent smile.
"But it hurts my wrist" you said with hope that will work.
"Can't do. I don't want you to try to run away"
"I won't run away!" You didn't want to stay there, you just wanted to go home.
"Really!?" He asked happy.
"Yes" you didn't think it would be that easy.
"Promise me that you won't try to get away from me or things will get bad for you" he says looking deadly in your eyes.
You throat get dry and you mood.
"Say it. I want to hear your voice"
"I promise.."

He stand up and walked over to cabinet. He took out of it a knife, he walked over to you again and cut off the ropes.
Your hands was covered in blood because of earlier attempts to get out of the rope.
He saw blood on your wrists and grabbed your hand. He brought your wrist close to his face and began to lick off the blood.
You instinctively wanted to take your hand away, but he held it tightly. You tried to pull your hand out of his grip and he started to hold it tighter and it hurt.
"Stop struggling or I'll tie you down again"
You stopped so as not to piss him off any more because he kidnapped you after all and you didn't know what he was capable of.
He looked you straight in the eyes as he licked the blood off your wrists.
You were scared. You were really scared but you had to get out of there somehow. it terrified you that you don't know what will happen to you, will you manage to get away, what he wants from you, will you see your friends again or are they looking for you on this trip.
All these thoughts were going through your head when Finn looked at you and held your hand. You stopped paying attention to him and he noticed it.
"What are you thinking about"
You were still in your thoughts and you didn't notice that he was saying something to you.
It pissed him off, he grabbed your face unexpectedly and brought his closer to yours.
"I asked what you think. I don't like when you ignore me so don't do it."
Your eyes widened and your heart began to beat faster because of his face so close to yours. It looked like he liked your reaction because a smirk appeared on his face.
"Nothing" You said after a while
"Don't lie, I know when you lie, I know more than you think," he said calmly, looking you straight in the eyes.
"So what were you thinking?" He asked in a calm voice but you could sense that it was starting to annoy him.
"I was thinking about why you kidnapped me and what you want to do with me .. " The question certainly surprised him.
What did he think would kidnap me and I wouldn't be curious why? I don't understand him.
"Don't talk about it like that. It wasn't a kidnapping, it was bringing you home to where you should be. Now we can be together and nothing can stop us"
you didn't know what to say or do you just sat there in shock. Finn watched you closely, then lay down on your lap, never taking his eyes off you.
You were afraid now even more, you couldn't even move. You just wanted to come home and go on living as before.
"Why..?" You were having too many thoughts at once and you didn't know what to say and just it came out of your mouth.
"What do you mean 'why'?" He asked confused.
"Why me..?" You started crying "please just let me go home. I have family, friends, school. Please let me go.. I'll do anything just please" you begged. you didn't know what to do anymore. All the emotions of that day gathered in you and you couldn't hold them anymore. you started to cry, cry hard.

When you started crying, he immediately lay you down and hugged you.
"Don't cry baby, please don't cry, you've got me, you don't need anybody else, they were shitty anyway. Don't worry about school because I have already signed you out, so now calm down"
How he wrote you out, he can't do it. He legally can't do it.. but he legally can't kidnapp me either. This is so fucked up.
"What about my parents and friends!"
"Your parents didn't even notice you were gone, they suck and I won't let you go back to them. All they do is hurt you. And by your friends you mean the drug addict whore? She doesn't treat you like a friend and she don't care about you and you know it. You don't need them, you have me and only me"
You were crying even more now than before, and after a while you fell asleep.

A few hours later

You woke up and Finn was cuddled to you. He was asleep so you took it as a chance to escape. You freed yourself from his grip.
You walked quickly to the door and you pulled the handle.
Doors were closed. You walked over to the window that was also closed. You were on the third floor so even if you broke the window, it was too much risk of breaking bones and then you wouldn't have a chance to escape.
You started searching the room quietly, hoping to find the key.
You searched the cupboard, drawers, shelves and there was nothing but a few knives, whips, ropes and a few metal things you saw for the first time in your life.
You came to the wardrobe, slightly afraid of what you will find there. You opened it and saw your stuffs.
There was your phone, a few clothes, a few cosmetics you lost, your teddy bear and a lot of your photos.
There were photos from your home, with friends and family.
It freaked you out and because of fear, it was hard for you to move.
You reached for your phone. It's made a noise as you turned it on. You quickly looked back to see if he was awake. He was still asleep.
Thank God..
You couldn't click anything on your phone. It's broken.
I looked around at this 'altar' and saw a little box lying under the teddy bear. You took it in your hand and opened it.
There was a key and a bloody piece of paper that said, "You'll never get away from me".
It was fucked up, but you took the key and went to the door. You turned the key and I heard some noise behind you. It froze you.
"What are you doing doll ~ "

 you're mine.. forever~ (obsessive yandere boyfriend x reader)Where stories live. Discover now