Piece By Piece

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Zara POV

Almost two hours later and I haven't stop looking at those fluorescent lights above me. I had no motivation to move. No motivation to speak, I just simply was there in the flesh, but my spirit long gone. I tried to sleep, but my mind wouldn't let me.

My brothers were all still in the room, they kept asking me if I was okay to which I had no answer. The truth is, in this moment I have no idea how I am. I am disappointed in myself for letting my addiction get this far. Angry at my brothers for leaving me. Sad that I would no longer have proper use of my legs. The list goes on and on.

While my internal suffering continued, a nurse came in to add yet another list of my pending problems life has thrown at me.

"Hi sweetheart, I came in to ask you some question, but they are on a personal level. Would you like your family here for this?" She asked.

"I don't want them in here." My voice still harsh and barely a whisper. A tear sliding down my face at that moment because I knew my story would be revealed to the world.

I could tell they didn't want to leave the room, but quietly they all left without fight, I didn't want them to hear anything that was about to be said. My burden was mine and mine alone. That's how it's always been.

"We would like to perform a sexual assault forensic exam. Basically it's a head to toe examination that will just make sure there are no internal and external injuries on your body. It should take a few hours and if you feel uncomfortable at any time let me know. The doctor and I will always inform you of what's happening." The nurse stated.

I nodded my head to afraid to say anything. I didn't want to do this at all, but I knew that it was important.

Time skip after examination....

I am exhausted.

The examination was tortuous and it hurt. I knew I had trauma everywhere around my body. I was grateful they didn't say anything about the nasty words, cut, marks, bruises I had all over my body.

She was speaking to me, but I was so exhausted and wanted to sleep. So I quietly told her to let my brothers in when she asked if she could. I knew they could tell by my face how exhausted I was when they entered, and how much I didn't want to be here.

"Hi Zara. How are you feeling?" Flynn asked.

How do you think I feel? I wanted to shout it to the world, but my energy was gone and it was almost 9:00 p.m. I just wanted to sleep.

I said nothing to him, but got a good look at his face, and the others. They all look exhausted years of guilt seeming to eat away at them piece by piece.

I had no words. I had no feelings. Numb, once again. But, a little more peaceful as I knew the hardest times were over. With that I closed my eyes, wanting the world to wash away slowly and the darkness came once again.

Hi Butterflies 🦋

This was just a quick filler chapter. I am planning on writing more today, so be on the lookout for that.

I hope your enjoying my story so far. Leave your likes, comments and reaction as it is very motivation

Love ya,
Bella 💙

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