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The survivors gathered at Kim Dokja's words. The first one to reach out a hand was Lee Hyunsung.

"Hello, I am Lee Hyunsung."

"Kim Dokja."

“Nice to meet you…although I don't know if these words suit the situation. As I said earlier, I am a soldier…well, I should say that I was a soldier."

“You can't contact your unit?"


"Ah, Dokjssi."


“I wanted to thank you. If it wasn't for Dokjssi, we would all be dead."

“No, that isn't the case."

"Even if I had lived, I would've have been able to live as a person. Thank you very much. And…I am ashamed."

Then somebody grabbed Dokja's shoulder.

“Haha, our contractor did one big thing. Dokjssi, do you know my name?"

I could tell who it was without looking back. I took the hand off my shoulder and said.

“I know, Han Myungoh-ssi."

“Huh, Han Myungoh-ssi? Shouldn't you call me Department Head?"

“This isn't the company."

"Hah, look at this. Are you planning to not go work now? Where did you learn your basic etiquette?"

"No matter how I think about it, your actions were too much. Yes? If you had the insects then you should've tipped me off. Why would you throw them like that?"


“Dokjssi, you have to be good to me. How much time do you have left on your contract?"

"Han Myungoh-ssi."


“Shut up."


"You still don't understand the situation? Weren't you hit by that bastard earlier? Minosoft? Do you think the company still exists when the end has come?"

The redhead was just looking at what was happening in front of him with Kim Namwoon at his side. Then Dokja turned his head towards him.

'What's he looking at'

Everybody followed Dokja's gaze and view a boy, he looked really beautiful but the suddenly movement from the train earlier made him fall and hurt his leg, he looked pale but he had his stotic face. Everyone misunderstood this as an act to hide his pain.

Lee Hyunsung took action and approached him to check his wounds.

"Are you okay boy?"

'Boy? I'm the same age as you'

The redhead had a blank stare. He does look skinny and short but you could clarity tell he was an adult. Right?.

"Ah, yes"

He will let it skip it, he just misunderstood.

'Oh God it's bleeding and he still says he's ok'

The boy was really pale and had a lost stare. Everybody looked at each other and agreed.

They had to protect this boy!

Even Han Myungoh looked concerned about it, it was a strange view.

"What's your name kid"

'Kid, seriously?!?!'

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