27. The Suspicions (Edited)

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School was over and it was a good day today minus the whole mafia thing talk. I was walking with Lily and Emery.

We were outside the entrance and i saw Noah in the parking waiting. I said goodbye to my friends and Emery again reminded me of the MAFIA thing before saying goodbye. She's weird.

I was now nervous. Again questions started swirling in my mind.
'What  ifs' were constantly bugging me, but I decided to trust my family to keep such big thing from me and moreover it is ridiculous to think about Mafias.

I went to Noah and called him and i suddenly became pale. He was on his phone and when he heard me call him, he immediately switched his phone off and turned to me but i think he saw my pale face.

I saw a bloody body with a gun shot on his forehead and chest and that person was looking familiar but i was not able to pin it.

"Hey sweety, it's nothing. It was umm.. One of my patient. You know I'm a doctor right." He said and nervously laughed.

I just looked at him. Maybe I wouldn't have suspected it if my family was not accused of, of being in mafia. Now I wanted to investigate.

Okay, investigate is quite heavy word. I'll look into this matter but for now I don't want to make them suspicious of me being suspicious of them being in mafia.

I just smiled a little and nodded. He looked relieved and then proceeded to ask, "So how was your first day? "

With this he opened my passenger seat door and helped me get in and then he went to drivers seat and started the car.

I smiled wide and  replied, "it was awesome. I even made friends and they all are nice. "

"Does your friends include boys? " He asked while driving and it looked like he didn't care about my answer but only I know how serious he was.

"Yes" I said and he suddenly looked at me, maybe expecting a different answer but i caught him off guard.

I laughed and said, "don't worry they all are awesome and twins also met them. "

He again nodded dumbfounded.

"By the way, where are the twins? " I asked suddenly remembering them.

"Ohh, they had a soccer practice, so they'll come later."

We talked about here and there and finally reached home.

I happily went inside and was met with the sight of Ethan cooking. His back was facing me, so I sneaked behind him and suddenly hugged him.

He jumped a little and tensed and i saw his hand went to grab a knife and his shoulders relaxed when he realised it was me. I was giggling but after watching his reaction, I again started thinking about the school talk.

I have been constantly alert and aware of my surroundings, especially when I lived in my old house. I tend to warch the reaction of people so that I'm not caught off guard.

He turned and acted like nothing happened and he hugged me.
"How was your day? " He asked enthusiastically.

"It was very good" I said smiling but my smile was reduced.

I then excused myself to go and change and Ethan asked me to come downstairs to eat something after I freshen up.

I went to my room, kept my bag near study table and then dropped myself on the bed and watched white ceiling.

Again Mafia thing was on my mind. I never thought I would be having these thoights in my mind after coming back from school.

I'm suspecting them more and more.
And to get rid of these suspicions and these thoughts, I have to check 3rd floor and basement.


What am I even gonna do?
If what Emery said is true, what will i do?
I'm in a different country and there's no way I can go back to New York.
What will i do?

But i have to find truth.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs to see Ethan was not there but he made burger for me and there was a note beside it.

'I had an emergency meeting,
Twins will be back soon and
If you need anything, and
Dustin is in his room.
                            Luv u

Is this my chance to check. Otherwise someone is always there with me everytime. I remember Noah telling me that dad, Ryan and him will be busy.

First of all i have to look out for Dustin.

I took half my burger and went to Dustin's room while eating. I slowly opened his door and saw he was on his phone.

He looked in my direction when he saw I opened the door.

I sheepishly said "Hi"

"Hey, how was your day today? "
He asked.

"It was pretty cool" I said and asked, "you want burger?"

"No thanks" He smiled and went back on his phone.

Now I was hoping he don't get out of his room.
When Dustin saw me still standing, he asked, "you wanted anything? "

"Oh, no no, I was just going. I have a lot of homework." I said and went back to eat my half burger without waiting for his reply.
Now to ensure Dustin don't suspect I have to do something.

I have an idea.

I went to my room quickly. Dustin's room is close to mine. So I took my tab which my family bought for me and played songs. It'll make Dustin think that I'm in my room listening to songs.

I have to be quick since twins will be here soon. So I slowly ascended the stairs and walked up to third after making sure the songs were of the vol to reach to Dustin.

I stepped on the carpet of the third floor and froze.
There were cameras there.


I can't go if cameras are there. I was still out of cameras reach and saw there are 2 big doors on opposite sides and some normal size doors.

Now not only the cameras were an obstacle but I saw locks on the door.

Damn it.

I can differentiate that the 2 rooms with big doors were the offices.

I can't do anything today. Now, I think if my lock problem is solved, the camera won't be a big issue. I don't think they'll specifically watch the recording.

So I have to hatch a better plan to find the truth and the truth about the kind of business they do.

There might be possibilities that I'm over reacting, but whatever i have observed till now like fear in the eyes of the people and dad deflecting me from the question about our family business, it must add up to something.

I so wish god that I'm wrong.

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