44. Mrs Beth

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A new day begins hopefully with positive things. I woke up and now I remember that dad informed me about the cook whose name I again don't remember.

She was supposedly on leave because of her daughter's marriage.

I freshen up and went downstairs. I took a day off today as i was still a little exhausted from all the travelling and dad easily told me to take care of myself.

Hehe...i was everyone's favorite.

I went downstairs.

As soon as i reached the last step, I halted on my steps inhaling the aroma of the delicious food. I strudded towards the kitchen somehow expecting Ethan to be there and cooking but instead I'm met with the back of an old lady.

She was cooking something and her back was facing me. She was almost done as she turned off the stove and turned around, immediately meeting my eyes.

Her eyes widen taking in my form. She's definitely an old lady with few wrinkles covering her face and her hair were almost grey.

She had some tears in her eyes while looking at me up and down. I was just standing there looking at her curiously. She slowly walked towards me and touched my face. It felt like she was checking if I was actually there.

"You've same eyes as your father." She whispered.

"You're Eliza" she confirmed.

I smiled and bowed a little while greeting a nice to meet you.

She immediately embraced me in a hug. It was so warm and she had this smell which all grandmothers have. This feeling had me nostalgic. I returned her hug and I can tell she was crying.

Behind me i heard some shuffle.

We broke the hug but before i could look behind, she held my face and inspected me and kissed all over my face.

Seeing her this happy also made me have tears in my eyes.

A throat cleared and i looked behind.

I saw it was dad.

"I see you've met her." He said addressing me.

"She's real Andrew, she's alive." She gasped still not releasing me like I'll disappear somewhere if she do so.

Dad laughed and spoke," She's very much real Beth."

"How are you dear? How have you been? Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Beth. You can call me Mrs. Beth" She spoke.

"Hii Mrs. Beth." I greeted her and smiled warmly.

She gave me this motherly feeling or probably granny.

"Sweety, she is the head cook I was talking about. She has been working for us for about 40 years now." Dad explained.

She then ushered us towards dining room.

We all gathered in the dining room and then Mrs. Beth came and greeted everyone else. All were so happy.

We all sat down and she served us the breakfast.

Not gonna lie, it was looking super yummy. I took the first bite and it felt like i was in heaven.

"We missed your food." Noah said.

"Thank god you came back, we were about to get sick eating Ethan's food." Twins snickered and others laughed except Ethan.

"You selfish twats!" Ethan exclaimed angrily.

"I liked Ethan's food but seriously, no one can compare Mrs Beth's cooking." I added.

"Atleast liz liked my cooking. Huh don't you guys ever come to me for any permission or for lemon pie."
Ethan huffed angrily at twins.

Their smiles dropped hearing about lemon pie.

"Hey that's unfair." Twins whined and Ethan ignored.

"Lemon pie?" I asked confusingly.

"Yes liz it's one of my, you can say it's my signature dish. " Ethan said proudly.

"That's true. Even I couldn't copy his dish." Mrs Beth chirped in.

"So when are you gonna make it for me?" I asked hopingly.

"For you, very soon but for twins, never." He exclaimed.

While hearing this I laughed, twins gasped.

Who would believe that he's th second oldest.

Breakfast went by happily.

Ryan and Dad went somewhere out of mansion for work while Twins went to school.

Noah had an emergency so he too left.

Dustin and Ethan had some work too but in the mansion's office. So they were busy.

Mrs Beth was busy making lunch.

I went to my room and texted Lily.

She didn't responded immediately because she was in school.

She called me instead.

"Hi Lily."

"Where the hell have you been? I'm missing you ALOT" She screamed. I had to pull phone away from my ear for a second.

"I told you I had to go somewhere. I'll give all the details when we'll meet. By the way I'm coming tomorrow. " i said.

"Really! You're coming tomorrow. You know Aaron was asking about you." She said in a hushed voice.

I was stunned listening to her.

"Hello, you still there?" Lily asked.

"Ye-yes I'm there." And then again I went quite.

"Do you think he likes me?" I asked.

"Of course he likes you. Have you seen him look at you?" She was excited.

I smiled and changed the topic. We talked for 15 more minutes and then she had to go for her next lecture.

I hung up the phone and laid in my bed.

I opened my phone and looked at the picture of me and Aaron we clicked few days ago and then looked at the picture of me and Ivan that we clicked at the ball.

I remember I told Ivan that I like Aaron. But the truth is I forgot all about him when I saw Ivan.

I remembered how I used to love spending time with him during my previous school days. He was the only thread on which i was surviving.

I like Ivan too. But i can't confess to him. He's so handsome and he could get any girl.

Although he said he isn't dating anyone but still i can't ruin our friendship. He was the only one who always stood there for me.

At that time I couldn't confess because I already had alot on my plate and was not even sure if I would live for long and now still i couldn't express my feelings knowing I won't be even able to have contact with him if our friendship breaks.

If this happens,  it'll break me again.

About Aaron, i need to talk to Ethan.

You know this feeling you get when although a person looks just perfect for you and seems like made for you, but how can someone be this perfect.

So either he actually is what he seems or it is a plot to something bigger.

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