Chapter 2

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Starlight, Penthouse Suite

Sunlight streamed through the windows falling on the figure reclining on a chaise lounge right next to the windows of the penthouse.

The penthouse was decorated in the Modern Classic style, the warm and elegant decor of the apartment reflected the taste of its owner.

With a business magazine in hand, Yu Yuan slowly studied its contents while basking in the sun.

Ring! Ring!! A phone rang disrupting the silence and peaceful atmosphere. Yu Yuan glanced at the screen of her phone, her brows furrowed. Seeing the name Li Na on the screen, her expression eased slightly.

Li Na was Yu Yuan's best friend. They had known each other since childhood and kept in touch during the years when Yu Yuan traveled back and forth.

Li Na was from the Li family, one of the wealthiest families in City A. She was the only daughter of the head of the Li family, but she had an older brother who was the current heir of the Li family.

Yu Yuan picked up the call.

"Yu Yuan!" an excited voice sounded over the phone.

With an exasperated look on her face, Yu Yuan spoke, "Li Na, speak properly."

"Everything is set!"

"Is that so?" Yu Yuan inquired with a brow raised. "That's good. Now, all we have to do is wait for someone to take the bait."

Two years before Yu Yuan finally returned to Country A, Li Na started a company.

Li Na loved to design and create jewelry but she had no talent for it. Therefore, the only way she could pursue her dream was to create a company that gathered talented jewelry designers and allowed them to put their skills to good use, which she did.

The name of the company was Bejeweled. With its talented designers, all its jewelry pieces were top-notch, and it was only a matter of time before it became top in the industry.

Its potential couldn't be hidden. Such a competitor drew panic and jealousy from others in the industry. Even though Bejeweled had the support of the Li family, some schemes couldn't be avoided.

Some of their designs had been stolen before they were released and a rival company launched them claiming the designs as their own. The rival company always launched just a day before Bejeweled's scheduled launch. This was clearly taunting them.

The Li family couldn't intervene because the rival company had the support of the Yan family, the sworn enemy of the Li family, and this was a matter between the younger generation.

Interfering would cause the Li family to be labeled as shameless and might serve as an excuse for the Yan family to play some tricks.

Li Na could only tackle this problem internally, but catching the spy was tricky. The designers in Bejeweled often worked collectively. The designs were out in the open and who was responsible couldn't be pinpointed.

To make matters worse, there was an important jewelry design competition coming soon. This competition was organized by the bigwigs in the industry. The winner of this competition would gain national recognition and an opportunity to collaborate with huge partners from overseas. This was a huge opportunity but the current situation threatened their ability to participate.

At her wit's end, Li Na turned to her best friend for help. Yu Yuan assisted her to set a trap. And now, all that was left for them to do was to wait.

"I can barely wait. Thank you so much for this Yu Yuan."

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