Chapter 58

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The captured intruders lay collapsed on the floor. They looked like they were barely breathing. Only their faint and occasional shivers assured one of their life. There were no visible wounds on their body, but it was obvious their spirits had suffered. The room had been cleaned up, but there was a faint, indescribable smell that lingered.

"How's the progress?" Luo Hai asked.

A sinister-looking man in charge of the interrogation was the one who spoke up, "At first they wouldn't say anything, but after a few tries, we were able to get some information out of them." Then, he handed Luo Hai a paper that recorded their confession.

According to their words, they had no idea who hired them. They belonged to a gang, and their boss/leader was the one who assigned them the job after receiving it. Every detail of the job came from him. Their job was to sneak in with the help of a staff member and wait for a woman under the influence of an aphrodisiac to appear. The one important thing they knew was that the aphrodisiac used was a special kind of drug that couldn't be found just anywhere.

"We already sent some people to apprehend the gang leader. We should be able to get more information from him."

Luo Hai asked, "What of the staff that helped them in?"

"He has been caught, and he confessed already. He was blackmailed into accepting the job. His gambling addiction was discovered and used to threaten him. Apparently, he was contacted by an unknown number. We've sent the number to be checked, but it's likely it cannot be traced."

Luo Hai had no expression on his face, but the man next to him had cold sweat dripping from his eyebrows. Such a huge thing had happened, but all they had were clues, and the real culprit was nowhere in sight. Their young master showed no obvious emotion, but he couldn't help but feel like a gun was pointed at him.

He was already preparing himself for punishment when Luo Hai received a phone call from the CCTV operator.

"Young master, the cameras captured Wan Ping's face on his way out of the mansion. He was probably feeling careless after completing his mission. Thanks to that, we have a picture now."

"Good. You know where to send it. Tell them to carry out an in-depth investigation about Wan Ping's identity."

After hanging up, Luo Hai stared at his phone, wondering how he was going to explain to Huo Wei that he didn't have the culprit yet. He could already feel a headache brewing.

Back to the present, Luo Hai was ending his report.

"We already identified the waiter. It won't take long before he's captured. The gang leader has been interrogated. He also has no idea who hired him. They communicated through the dark web and phone contact, but phone contact was through an unknown number that could not be traced. The only clue left is the waiter and the drug used. Although I doubt we'll be able to get any useful information from the waiter."

Huo Wei stared at the table, silent. No one could tell what he was thinking.

Just when Luo Hai felt that things were about to take a turn for the worse, Huo Wei spoke, "You still have the intruders in custody?"

Luo Hai quickly replied, "Yes, I do."

"Keep them. I'd like to pay them a visit."


Even after the call ended, Luo Hai still had goosebumps from Huo Wei's sinister tone when he said that sentence.

He went to see his father to discuss their next move. Although Huo Wei wasn't putting pressure on the Luo family to take responsibility in this matter because of their friendship, they still had to deliver compensation.

When Yu Yuan opened her eyes, it was afternoon. She let out a loud groan. Her whole body felt like it had been run over by a truck. She laid still for a moment, trying to recall all that happened yesterday.

Her memories felt chaotic and blurred. From the moment Huo Wei found her to their return to the mansion, including their intense night together, she couldn't remember much. She just vaguely remembered that yesterday, her desire and energy seemed to have been limitless. She could clearly feel the after-effects of yesterday on her body.

Yu Yuan looked around the room. Huo Wei was nowhere in sight. She braced herself to sit up, but her movements were slow owing to the pain and fatigue she felt. It was just then that Huo Wei appeared.

"You are awake?" He quickly approached her side and assisted her in sitting up. He rearranged the pillows behind her, helping her find a better position to relax.

Yu Yuan observed her husband. He had a dangerous aura around him just now, but it seemed to immediately dissipate after he set his eyes on her. She wondered what had put him in a bad mood this morning. Before she could inquire, her stomach grumbled loudly.

That's when Yu Yuan remembered that she hadn't had anything since last night. Now that her mind drew her attention to it, she felt like she hadn't eaten for days. She was starving.

Huo Wei chuckled. "You must be hungry. Good thing I got the timing right. I already asked Aunty Zhang to bring some food up."

Not long after he spoke, Aunty Zhang brought her meal. Yu Yuan didn't have the strength to worry about anything except filling her stomach. She quickly delved into her meal. Huo Wei watched her from the side with doting eyes. Occasionally, he would help her pick up some food and place it on her plate.

After her meal, Yu Yuan leaned back on the bed and watched Huo Wei carry the plates out and come back. She patted the space beside her, inviting him to join her. Huo Wei acquiesced, settling on the bed and pulling her into his arms, allowing her to lean against him.

Huo Wei didn't wait for her to ask before answering her unspoken questions. He told her about the results of the investigation and the actions he had taken as well. "I already sent your dress to the lab. Once the results come back, we should be able to trace its origins since it's so peculiar. Most of the clues are a dead end, but this one should point us to the culprit."

Yu Yuan sighed, "Such an elaborate effort just to frame me. I feel flattered."

Huo Wei held her hand, planting a kiss on it. "I'll find him. I promise, and I'll make him pay."

Yu Yuan couldn't see his face, but she could imagine how murderous his eyes looked. A small smile played on her lips.

To say she wasn't upset about the incident would be a lie. One could only imagine the turmoil she would be going through right now if she wasn't as strong or as vigilant. This person had truly intended to ruin her. But Huo Wei's anger seemed more intense than her own, like he wanted to rain hell on Earth.

This kind of attitude made her happy, and she was more than glad to allow Huo Wei to vent his anger on the culprit without lifting a finger. It made her feel cherished.

As she shifted her hand to hold his, she reassured him, "I know you will."

Huo Wei buried his head in her hair, inhaling deeply. Only he understood the fear that gripped him upon hearing her weak voice on the call. Despite his immense power, he had failed to protect his wife. This was the first and last time such an incident would ever occur, he vowed.

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