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When I got back to the Club, Emily was carrying a suitcase in. I was very confused so I went to help her.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I grabbed the bag from her. She huffed as she tried to reach for it again.

"Alpha said we have to move in here for a bit. Something about a club. I just do what he says at this point." Emily said. I still was curious on Alpha's real name. I decided I might as well ask.

"Um, what's Alpha's real name?" I asked her. She glanced behind her before leaning in.

"Lucian, but don't use it around him." She smiled. "He's very sensitive on anyone but me and dad using it." Emily grabbed a small bag.

I followed her to her room already there were three bags. Two of them being pink letting me know they are probably Emily's. The other one was black, so was the one I was holding.

"Darling, could you not try and carry these." Alpha came in and took the bag Emily had over her shoulder.

"It's only a bag, Mel took the suitcase." She pointed to me.

"Why exactly are you moving in here?" I asked him. Alpha peeked at Emily before looking to me.

"A neighboring club has been spying on us. Seeing as Emily is pregnant, I'm moving her in here where she's safest." Alpha explained.

"But the other girls get to stay in their homes." Emily pouted.

"They aren't carrying a child and know how to protect themselves." Alpha gave Emily a quick kiss before leaving.

Emily huffed as she began setting the suitcases around the room. The two pink ones on one side and the black ones on the other.

"Being seven months pregnant isn't easy." Emily said. She put her hands on her back and bent backwards. "My muscles hurt." She announced.

"Do you want me to stretch them out?" I asked.

"You Can do that?" Emily asked. I nodded.

"After nineteen years of dance, I've learned how to massage out other's muscles." I explained.

Emily grabbed a pregnancy pillow and placed it so she could lay on her stomach. I knelt on the bed gently and placed my hand on her back. I searched for the tense muscles before massaging them.

"So how are you doing?" Emily asked.

I thought about it for a minute. It has only been two days but I feel comfortable here. The girls are nice, the men are a little overbearing, but I think it is just because they always have to be on guard. Everyone is tense around here. Especially Rage. He seems like a very angry person, I guess that's the reason for his nickname. Even though he seems guarded, he really is not bad. He seems to always have his emotions neutral, much like Alpha's. Though Rage isn't as cold as Alpha.

I finally break from my thoughts to answer Emily. "Great, I like it here." I answered truthfully.

"Thats Good. I hope you stay here." Emily smiled. "I'm sure someone else hopes that as well."

I stopped my movements. Who else wants me to stay here? Maybe she's talking about the girls.

"You know who I'm talking about." She started to sit up. I quickly helped her roll onto her back.

"Who?" I asked. I don't think I've known the people in the club long enough for someone to hope I stay.

"Rage." Emily said fast. I barely caught it.

"No way." I shook my head. He barely talks to me. He just aggressively stares. "Rage barely acknowledges me." I said.

"Doesn't mean he isn't watching." Emily smiled.

I just laughed. There is no way that man that sits in the corner of the bar, speaking to absolutely no one likes me. I am practically a charity case. I'm only here because Emily took pity on me. She saw my scar and took me in because I was abused. Now I live in fear of my father coming back. He's going to cut me open again, steal my money, my ability to dance. My mood immediately changed. God, please not dance.

"Hey, s- sorry. I d- didn't mean to make y- you cry." Emily placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No, no, it's ok." I tried to assure her.

"D- did I say s- something?" Emily tried to comfort me. It really wasn't her fault.

Suddenly we are interrupted by a knock on the door. We both look to find Rage. He was curious and seemingly angry at my tears.

"What happened?" Rage asked. Emily shifted uncomfortably next to me.

"I- I don't k- know." She said. Rage stepped into the room and sat on the bed in front of me. He looked unsure of what to do which was kind of funny.

"Why are you crying?" Rage asked. He placed a gentle hand on my leg.

"I'm scared." I admitted. That seemed a lot easier than it should have been.

"Of what?" Rage asked softly. I know rage doesn't talk much, but this is not how I expected him to ever talk to me. Maybe Emily is right, just a little bit.

"I don't want him to find me, Rage. If he gets me, I- I might not dance again." I felt more tears fall down my cheeks. I buried my head in my knees to avoid the embarrassment. I'm not supposed to cry over someone who abused me.

"He won't. You can dance for the rest of your life if you want." Rage said. His voice had gotten darker. I was afraid he would live up to his name in the next five minutes.

Rage got up off the bed. I lifted my head to see where he was going. I also realized Emily was long gone. She must have left after Rage asked me what happened.

Rage Lifted a hand up to my cheek and gently wiped a tear away. He kept his eyes locked on mine for a little bit before walking out. I sat confused as I watched his retreating figure. I have only heard that Rage was a walking bomb ready to explode. Why was he so gentle with me.

My inner thoughts are screaming things at me like "he's hot", or "maybe we like him". I have known him for less than a week. I don't even think Emily liked Alpha that fast.

I shake my thoughts and stand up. My legs were sore and now so were my eyes. Once I made it to my room I collapsed onto the bed. A nap never hurt anyone.

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