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I forgot if I put somewhere what state they were in. 😭 I literally tried searching all of my chapters and can't find if I did. If you remember if I did lmk. Anyway enjoy.

The girls were surprised to hear Rage finally kissed me. It's been a month and Emily was due any day now. I think her due date is next week actually.

Everyone in the club was trying to wrap up the whole  Red Skulls thing. They still have done nothing to hurt us. Lucian thinks they are waiting until Emily has her baby so then we will be vulnerable. I really hope not.

"Emily, when do you start dance again?" Josie asked. We were all sitting in the study while the guys had church.

"In a few weeks. We get a break after big shows." I explained. "And my studio is mixed ages so we have to give a break to younger students."

"Guys guess what!" Vanessa ran into the room. She was really excited about something.

"What happened?" Hannah asked.

"I found our my brother lives a state away!" Vanessa shouted. I didn't even know she had one.

"You have a brother?" Emily asked. I guess she didn't know either.

"Yeah! We got separated after the orphanage. I've been trying to find him since I left." Vanessa's smile suddenly fell. It was like she suddenly remembered something she didn't want to. "But If I brought him here I don't know if he will be welcomed. " She said.

"Why do you mean?" Hannah asked.

"He's different than the other men here." Vanessa sighed heavily. "He's gay." She finally said.

"Really?!" Emily clapped her hands together. "Don't worry! I'll make sure they are nice to him!"

"I still have to talk to Alpha about it though." Vanessa said. Sometimes I forget he runs the club. He's always with Emily.

"Well I have no say in how that goes, but I'll talk to him about it." Emily smiled.

"Sooo, how old is your brother?" Josie asked. I wondered the same thing.

"He's my twin." Vanessa said.

"Really! That's so exciting! I wish I had a sibling." Hannah pouted. I agreed with her. A sibling would be nice. I'd have someone to understand me a little more.

"Look the boys just got out." Josie pointed across the hall. Sure enough the door was open and a group of grumpy men filed out. Of course the last two being Alpha and Rage.

Rage immediately spotted me from the hall. He didn't come into the room but gave me a quick nod and gestured towards the bar. He wanted me to follow him.

"Your boys calling." Hannah teased.

"Have you guys done anything other than kiss?" Emily whispered. She was definitely the most nosey.

"No." I laughed. "He did take me on a normal ride though." I smiled. He took me out to the country to enjoy some quiet. It was nice.

"New couple alert!" Josie laughed.

"N- not yet." I said. My cheeks had grown red from the girl's teasing.

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