𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 - 𝐈

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Light breeze is flowing by the sea shore as the girl sprays some of the water on the boy as he runs after her in hopes of taking revenge on her. Her bright blue eyes crinkle with happiness as her lips stretch into a full blown smiles. The silence at the beach is cut off by her laughter. Her black hair flow along with the breeze as she leans into the embrace of the boy slowly moving towards him to award him wi---

Lucius Malfoy is nudged out of his day dream as his friend, Rudolphus Lestrange lightly hits him at the back of his head making him scowl.
"Again thinking about your secret girlfriend?", Rudolphus teases him with wiggling brows, receiving a hiss in return.
No one expect a few at Hogwarts knew that Lucius Malfoy has a girlfriend. Most thought that he is betrothed to Narcissa Black, including herself. The truth was that he had talked to his father, Abraxas Malfoy about the issue and he had cancelled the marriage between him and the blonde haired Black.
He was irrevocably in love with his girlfriend, even though she was a muggle yet she was special, at least to him. He knew about her secrets and vice versa.
The feast had already begun and he was just playing with his food.
The Slytherins were talking about the latest prank by marauders on them while some were silently conversing amongst themselves about anything and everything.
The doors of the Great Hall were thrown open as the families of a few students and some former students entered the Hall, shocking the occupants at the unusual intrusion.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲𝐬
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐬  entered the Hall looking around confused as if someone just teleported them. They turned towards the teacher's table and went near the Headmaster, Walburga Black being the most furious.

Abraxas and Cynthia Malfoy were enjoying their food when the light flooded their room, making them sheild their eyes from it's effects as they opened their lids they were shocked to find themselves along with many others, outside the doors of the Great Hall.

As the adults conversed with a confused looking Albus, who was almost making a tired face at the anger of the Lady Black, the children talked about the possible theories about their presence in the Hall.

As the banshee was about to open her mouth to sprout the doubts and anger on the headmaster, it appeared as if someone showered them with some mercy as a light shown through the Hall similar to the one responsible for the transportation of the previous guests.

As it filtered out, a group of wizards stood there. As  a reflex, most of the students and teachers pointed their wands at the new unknown intruders, the potentially guilty people for the whole fiasco.

As if sensing the danger they held their hands up as a blonde haired boy moved forward to talk.

"We are from the future. I know, it's hard to believe but it's true. We have come back with our memories in the form of movies to save the future from unnecessary deaths and bloodshed."
As the boy who resembled a lot like Malfoy spoke many lowered there hands hesitantly as Dumbledore whispered something to Slughorn, him returning with a clear, colourless vial most probably containing veritaserum. Dumbledore holds the vial as he passes it to the intruders.

"It's veritaserum, drink this and introduce yourselves."

The look alike Malfoy drinks the potion as he starts,
" I am Draco Lucius Malfoy, a former Slytherin and son of Lucius Malfoy and---

The suspense was a torture for Lucius, he wished that he was Meda and his son. He could see the similarities, her beautiful eyes and smile but he still wanted his son to confirm it.

On the other side Narcissa was sure that she was the mother. Lucius and her wedding was fixed since their birth and she loved him with all her might. She was sure that he loved her too.

--- Andromeda Jackson."

As soon as he introduced himself Lucius  Malfoy had a rare smile as he moved forward to hug his son.
People 'round the Hall gaped at the Slytherin in astonishment as his friends whooped and cheered for him.
Abraxas and Cynthia smiled softly looking at their son who was beaming with joy.
Narcissa looked heartbroken but like a raging bull ready to pummel this Andromeda person to ground who dare take away her Lucius.

The Hall gaped at the blonde haired wizard who was hugging his son. By his face expressions they concluded that he knew this Andromeda person but what irked many of them was the fact that she had a muggle last name. Was she a muggle born?
Did a dark wizard marry a muggle born?

Before the people 'round could faint from the confusion another blonde haired wizard stepped forward to introduce himself. If one would look closely (s)he could see the smirk he gave to Draco.

"Well, I am Perseus Regulus Malfoy, a former Slytherin. Son of Lucius and Andromeda Malfoy."

Lucius was in heaven. He had two sons with his little sea, two handsome and smart sons. He couldn't stop grinning creeping the shit out of many people especially the marauders where Sirius and James as usual being the dramatic ones were hugging Remus while whispering to each other.

Regulus was shocked. He was just an acquaintance with Lucius. Except a few times during the balls they never talked much and he named his son after him.

A brown haired, green eyed wizard with an uncanny resemblance to James Potter stepped forward.

" I am Harry James Potter, a former Gryffindor. Son of James Potter and Lily Evans"

Remus sighed slightly raising his fingers and counting till three before which James abruptly stood up from his seat first looking at his future son and then his Lily pad. He ran towards the red haired witch giving her a quick peck on her cheek before returning back to his seat and beaming at his son.

Lily was still in shock. She had a son with James. She lightly touched her cheek while gazing at her son and giving him a soft smile.

All the while Lucius was observing his son and the Potter boy. From their expressions and secret exchange of smiles he thought that they were in a relationship and he couldn't bring himself to oppose, his son seemed happy and so in love, just like him.

As the Hall came out from the shocks and exchanging money 'cause of bets they settled down in their seats.

Dumbledore sighed adjusting his spectacles before giving a long look at the young boys
" We may start watching the movies tomorrow. For now you may join the feast and enjoy yourselves."

.•♫•♬•Author's Note•♬•♫•.
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