Chapter 4: The science of battle

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Maria falls to the floor, coughing profusely. When she looks around she sees that Kireina is no longer on fire but heavily damaged. She also saw that Goddess M had just fallen to her knees as a crater had formed in the wall behind her. She then looks straight up to see a hooded figure with a star emblem on their back facing the downed threat.

"Who are you? What did you do to her?" Maria says as she slowly begins to move.

"Oh me? I'm nobody special. All I did was knock her out. I think." The figure replies."

The open side of the hood turned to slightly face her revealing that there was no face inside of it but she chose not to focus on it. Her precious golem was her priority. When she gets to Kireina's side she examines the damage.

"Her right arm is completely gone and her left leg is nothing but a nub. Entire chunks of her head are missing and her midsection has been whittled down Significantly. All together She lost around 67% of her body mass. But that's ok. I can fix this. As long as the core is intact I can still save her. Just hang on! I'm going to get you out of this!"

She then looks up towards the goddess M as the stranger throws this weird-looking weapon at her.

"Rise and shine useless goddess. I need to have a word with you" *CLANK*.

Misery was in a daze right up until she heard the sound of the weapon that she dreaded so much strike right next to her head.

She then looked at where the words that accompanied it originated from. Only to become horrified as she realized who the person standing over her was. The silhouette of the person she feared was clearly visible to her even in the dim light of this damaged room.

"Nonononononono it can't be! You can't be here? Why are you here? How did you get here?" The panic could be heard in Misery's voice as she quickly questioned him.

When he walks up to her he puts his right foot on her lower stomach, effectively pinning her to the crumbling wall. He then places his left hand on Stormbreaker, leans in, and says. "Just so you know. I didn't want to do this. I really didn't. But you've forced my hand. You should have just heeded the warning and left well enough alone. I told you what would happen if I caught you negatively impacting mortals, didn't I? But just like the rest of your kin. You never listen to Reason!"

The shocklock seal on the axe rotates slightly as it unleashes several million volts of godslaying lightning into the wall and the goddess's body.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Misery screamed as the pitch-black electricity coursed through her body for seven seconds. 

After that, her body began to emit smoke as her head slumped down. When this happens the Insurgent leans closer to her to say. "That didn't feel good, did it? Well unfortunately for you, that was only a taste of your punishment. You should already know what your crime was. So let's just get your sentence over with." As he whispers to Misery. Her mind frantically races as the insurgent's words and her thoughts bounce throughout her brain.

"That didn't feel good did it?" "No no no no no." "At least I know how to show compassion, you useless goddess!" "I can show compassion! It's just that you and these ingrates don't deserve it!" "you never listen to reason." "No. shut up! I Am Reason! You should have let me do as I pleased! Why! Why are you stopping me!" "You've forced my hand." "No. You have forced mine! The one reason that I'm even here in this dingy cave is because you-... you!" "I'm the person that can end you if you step outta line."  "You can't and you won't! You're the one that stepped outta line not me! I'm the line and you are supposed to follow me!" "That was only a taste of your punishment." "Absolutely Not! I must punish you for your disobedience. You will be the one who will suffer. You must die. You will die!" "You left her go you... you... monster!" "No. I'm not evil!  I'm not a monster! those unforgivable mortals are the monsters! And you. You're the evil one. Not me!" "I told you what would happen if I caught you negatively impacting mortals didn't I?" "I do what I want! It's my natural born right! I tried to be nice and played by your stupid rules but look what they did! Look what you did! You mortals were created to serve me! but you insult me, plot against me, use my creation as outlets for your barbaric Impulses and irrational hate, and now you want to actively threaten ME! That is UNACCEPTABLE!" "You should have just heed the warning and left well enough alone." "I WILL NOT TAKE ADVICE FROM A CHILD!" "Alright now you listen to me! Woman!" "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU WORTHLESS TROGLODYTE!" "I'm a godslayer." "NO YOUR NOT. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! STOP LYING TO ME!!!" "Then I'll Erase you."  "I'M THE ONE THAT WILL ERASE YOU! I want to! No! I HAVE TO! you will pay! YOU WILL PAY!!!" She snaps back to reality when she hears the words

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