Chapter 3: Sub-Tyrannical Menace

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when Raizyx exits the transport tree, he begins to stretch in the morning sun as

"Why are we here so early again?" Raven puts a hand to her mouth as she yawns.

"Whim," he replies. "I wanna see what else this world has to offer."

Raven looks at him while leaning to her left and placing her hand on her left hip. "Oh really now. I'm surprised that our last visit didn't dissuade you."

Raizyx swings his arm around like a water wheel as he prattled.  "It's whatever. You meet difficult people all the time. It's a part of life. I'm not gonna let that one incident spoil the rest that this world has to offer. Besides, we didn't get to fully explore that town yet. I heard there was a laboratory there and we also didn't get to do much of anything in the royal city. Maybe I could pay both of them a visit to find out the intricacies of this world. Like money and stuff."

Raven follows Him walks out onto a cliff that overlooks a portion of the forest.

"Funny enough, I thought you hated higher-up personnel like bishops and royals and stuff?" Raven verbalized

"No that's the snake. Not me." Raizyx responded

"Snake eyes?"

"No. The other snake. The less likable one."

"Oh, you mean Shiraneko's master?"

"Yeah. And it's not that I dislike higher-ups it's just that I dislike most high tiers. And it's only because most of them act like pompous jerks and all of them are incredibly dangerous. But who knows, maybe this time things will be different."  Raizyx clarified

"I doubt it. Your track record isn't looking too hot right now. The first person you met tried to kill you 3 times." Raven notes while holding up 3 fingers

"Well, that first person was a pompous jerk that was also incredibly dangerous."

"Yooouuu Kinda just shot your reasoning in the foot there Y'know." Raven comments,

Raizyx rolls his eyes before pulling out a leaf and throwing it out as it enlarges. It passively creates an updraft below, allowing it to Levitate.

"We can talk about this on the move," he suggests while hopping onto the enlarged leaf

"Well don't mind if I do. It's quite tiring flying on your own power for long periods of time." Raven smugly remarks as the bird wattles up to the leaf and uses the updraft to hop all the way up to Raizyx's head, nesting in it.

"Seriously." He responds

"Did I ever tell you that you have a cozy head of hair," she comments.

"sigh a simple yes would have sufficed y'know."

"What can I say. I'm feeling chirpy today."

"Yeah right. Why did I ever pick you as my summon?"

"Hehe because you had no other choice, Hero," Raven said mockingly as she gently nipped at his hair, Rearranging it to best suit her position.

The leaf then shot up into the air just like a magic carpet, beginning to glide. It curved and slid with the wind that it generates. The current formed a sort of invisible railroad or tube that twisted and turned just like a roller coaster as Raizyx rode the leaf as if he would a skateboard. Once he got to altitude, he sat down and gazed out across the horizon. He could see across the ocean where there appeared to be islands several knots away. He saw a cluster of snowy mountains. He even saw the silhouette of a castle in the distance.

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