Chapter 13

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Heather didn't sleep the rest of the next night.

Not a wink.

Each time she slipped and found herself dozing off, each time her eyelids dare closed, she saw Michael and Joey slowly dying, their eyes begging for quick release, while Shaw cackled wickedly as he tossed them to and fro like rag dolls, his voice repeating the same phrase that was now burned into Heather's brain.

Kill the humans, kill the humans.

When Heather had gotten tired of rolling around and fidgeting restlessly on the bed, she'd slid from the mattress, careful not to wake Raven, and retreated to the bathroom. While the main room had been stuffy and almost suffocating, the bathroom was rather cool - a relief to a clammy and shaky Heather. The bright, fluorescent lights hurt her sensitive eyes at first, but she quickly got over it, as she took a seat next to the bathtub.

She pressed her forehead to the cool porcelain, squeezing her eyes closed and wincing when the image of blood - so much blood - came forward. Just when she thought the bathroom would be her haven...

Her knees pressed to her chest, she began to rock, and her hands found their way to her ears and pressed into them in a desperate, childish attempt to keep the voice out. She bit her lip to keep a pathetic whine from escaping her mouth and her rocking intensified, to the point of Heather banging her hand against the tub - though she barely noticed the pain blossoming as her forehead connected with the porcelain.

She didn't know how long she stayed there, rocking, but it must have been a long time - as her limbs and joints groaned when she crawled into the tub and reached for the handle, pulling it up. The water came from above, to Heather's shock, and she let out a surprised cry at cold, shivering as the water slowly became warmer.

She didn't remove her clothes or move for that matter - instead she stayed where she was, looking rather similar to a wet cat and feeling like she was caving in on herself, her arms wrapped around her knees tightly, as if she keep the whole world out. In the shower, she finally let some frustrated tears slip out - her mind questioning why she was having such a strong reaction to Shaw's death, why he was making a reappearance in her nightmares.

Why he was driving her damn near insanity.

Heather stayed in the shower until the water turned cold once more and she felt somewhat closer to human. She removed her hideous suit quickly, rejoicing silently that they were waterproof, before gently toweling off of her slightly pinkish skin and her messy hair. Once she was dry, she slipped the suit on and left the now steamy bathroom. Heather glanced at Raven, making sure the other girl was sound asleep, which she was, before carefully and quietly making her way out of the room.

She honestly didn't know where she was going, but she supposed a quick walk would - hopefully - clear her mind.

Heather made her way to the lobby, the place almost looking deserted, before she spotted Moira at a small wooden phone, glaring at a blue phone, as she scribbled something down on a piece of paper. That had Heather stopping in her tracks. "What are you doing?" She asked, as she hesitantly made her way over to the desk. Moira glanced over at her in surprise, like she hadn't noticed Heather entering the room, and she let out a defeated sigh. "Making some calls. To get a ride home?"

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