Chapter 16

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Over the course of the next few days, things got surprisingly worse. 

Heather barely slept - and when she did, the nightmares that followed left her shaking and biting her lip hard enough to taste blood in an attempt to stop any screams from escaping her mouth. She didn't tell the others, no matter how many times they all asked if she was okay, if she was sleeping well. They believed her at least - thinking that she was having a hard time adjusting or that she was just so focused about the new school. But there was only so many times that the I'm just tired excuse could work. Although she knew Charles would never look into her mind without permission, she still tried to create a mental block, a rather wimpy mental block but a block nonetheless. It was her problem, she didn't need any of them worrying so much.

No matter where she went in the mansion, she left like she was being followed. Heather found herself looking over her shoulder multiple times a day, anxiety churning low in her stomach. It wasn't like she had never been watched before. She had felt other ghosts' presences all the time - she was almost completely used to Edie's. But something was different with this ghost.

Something was wrong with this ghost.

It wanted to hurt her.

It had made that clear.

It wanted her cowering and fearful. It wanted her broken and insane.

It wanted her in pain.


"This is it."

Charles opened the door and moved out of the way, letting Heather into the room. Heather stepped inside, stopping to have a good look around. It wasn't very big but it wasn't terribly small - in fact, she would dare call the room cozy. The walls were a faded tan color and the floors were good, solid wood - no creaks were heard as she walked across it. On the opposite wall were three windows, and to Heather's surprise, there was already a chalkboard, a teacher's desk, and a few tiny looking student desks.

"This is all mine?" Heather questioned, coming to stand beside the teacher's desk - her desk, god, she was a teacher now. "Of course," Charles hummed, "We'll add a few more desks when we start getting students, but I think - "

"You think I'll even have students?" Charles blinked at Heather's nonchalant question, before replying, "Yes, I don't see why - "

Heather turned to face Charles and waved her hand to interrupt them. "I mean, everyone else will probably have tons of students. But I doubt I'll have any. I'm teaching a Necromancer class, for gods' sake. Which, I also would like to point out is named incorrectly. Necromancer is someone who controls the dead and I can't even do that, I kind of doubt my students will - "

" - Heather," Charles stopped her, his laughter barely contained. Heather felt her cheeks redden from embarrassment, choosing to keep her mouth closed rather than apologize for babbling. "There has to be at least one child out there with powers similar to yours. And that child will need guidance." Charles gave her a comforting smile and Heather let out a loud sigh. "You know, I kind of hate how optimistic you are."

"You'll get used to it."

"I doubt it."

For one of the first times that week, a smile found its way on to Heather's face. Charles must have noticed because his eyes lit up and he was opening his mouth and oh no, he was going to ask - "I feel like I haven't seen you smile since we got back."

Oh no. "I'm just - I've just been really tired." Even Heather winced at her answer. But to her surprise, Charles only nodded. "I have to check on the others, but if you need anything, just - " He tapped his index to his forehead, flashed a quick smile and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind him. Heather let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding before plopping down on her seat.

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