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With the screech sound, the black limo came into halt infront of 'Horez' ,one of the biggest hospital of Italy.

The bald man of light blue outfit, ran towards the receptionist. His breathing was heavy. Sweat beads were visible on his forehead. The receptionist got confused seeing that man. Panic and fear could be visible from his face.

"The Vastellos. They arrived." As those words escaped his lips, the receptionist tensed. She quickly dial number of the best doctor of that hospital.

"Doctor, Is everything ready? T-The Vastellos arrived" Her Panic laced voice scared the doctor as well. The small sentence of receptionist didn't passed unheard by the people present in the hospital. Panic and fear spread the whole hospital.
People had heard , how ruthless Vastellos were. How they kill without mercy.

Some people present there haven't seen Vastellos,but the rumours were enough to scare the shit out of them.

"ALL OF YOU, GIVE SOME SPACE. MAKE DISTANCE." A man in black suit came running inside the hospital with some other men ,distancing the people from entrance. Each of them were wearing black glasses and a bluetooth plucked in their ears.
They were looking like bodyguards.

People hurriedly started distancing and backing off .
The head doctor,whom nurse called immediately ran towards the main hall along with few nurses who were carrying stretcher.

In just a minute,many guards in black suit spread across the hospital. Suddenly a man stepped inside the hospital, very tall. His black hair falling near his eyes , making him seem more handsome and attractive than already he was. The aura he gave, made people more scared.

The man was carrying a woman, actually a beautiful woman with a big womb in bridal style . He almost ran towards the doctor.

"Doctor , go fast and start the process. GO!" He almost shouted at last. He could not bear to see his wife's pained expression.
The doctor immediately nodded, gulping a big lump in her throat.

Immediately nurses helped the lady in the stretcher. Then they started taking her inside a room.
The doctor together was about to go inside the room ,but was halted by a cold voice.

"If anything happen to her or baby, then you will not see tomorrow's sun. You understand?" The voice of man was alone to give shivers to the people present in the hospital.

The doctor again nodded .
"D-Don't worry, Mr.Vastello. Everything would be alright."

The man gave curt nod dismissing the doctor. Inside ,he was praying about well being of his wife and his child. He had promised his children that they would surely return home with the new member of family.

He and his wife were already having 7 children at the age of 32. But all of them were boys and he was expecting a girl this time whom he can spoil with his love, care and money. His children and wife also wanted a sister and daughter to take care of. Not that ,if boy would born wouldn't be accepted. If the baby turn out a to be a boy, than also he would be treated lovingly. But he wanted to feel, what being father of a daughter feels. He wanted someone to call him her superhero like every daughter calls her father.


After 20 minutes, the doctor came out with a small smile spread on her face.

Mr.Vastello immediately ran towards her. "Congratulations!Mr.Vastello, your wife is well and a beautiful baby girl is born."

Those words of doctor was enough to make his eyes glossy.
He immediately ran inside the room . He saw, his love,his queen ,his wife was quietly sitting on the bed with a small baby in her arms. A small smile was spread on her mouth.

He slowly closed the door from inside. And then went near the bed, where his wife was sitting.
"Lucas, See, our baby girl is born"
The lady whispered still smiling and one of her tear dropped on the towel in which the baby was wrapped.

Lucas slowly took the baby girl from her wife's hand.
He traced his thumb on the soft pink cheeks of the sleeping babygirl. His smile hadn't faded for just a second. He admired and adored her sleeping figure.

"Have you thought of any name Lucas?" His wife asked , diverting his mind. He gave a tight lipped smile . "Yeah! She would be called Ananessa, My princess......THE MAFIA PRINCESS ".

After few minutes he came out of the room still with the baby in his arms. "Leo, go home and inform my sons, their sister is born" He ordered still admiring the baby girl with a toothy grin.

Hearing his words , Leo's eyes widened. "A-A girl?" Lucas nodded smiling. And just then a huge a ghost of smile spread on Leo's mouth. He immediately walked out of the hospital to inform his young masters about the baby.

Seeing the mafia king smiling, shocked everyone present in the hospital including guards. They too haven't seen him smiling before that heartily and genuinely.

And that was the day, The mafia princess, a girl, was born after a century in the Italian mafia's family which wasn't a small thing for them.

But little did the family knew, that danger for them was lurking from behind. That danger could also destroy their happy family.

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