She wants or not

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Sipping the last drop of coffee from the cup, he sighed for the 100th time.

"No worries, We all can handle it." A voice of his wife spoke behind him, reassuring him.

He nodded admitting it. But the thing making him worried wasn't the American Capo, it was his son. Elijah. After he lost his sister, he started being silent and didn't spoke for atleast 5 year.
That horrible day was the last day, when they heard Elijah crying. His all brothers, including him and his wife tried to cheer him up, make him smile again. But nah, all their tries went in vain.

But one day, something wierd happened. 11 years old Elijah, who never talked before, came home back from school smiling cheekily which to say, honestly shocked all the members of his family. He was giggling and jumping around the mansion.
Seeing him back again made all of them happy but that happiness didn't lasted long when they saw blood stains on his pants.

Lucas and Rose became worried, thinking it was his blood and he was injured but they were wrong.

Elijah just hugged his mother that time and told her casually, 'Ah mummy, it's not mine. It's of that fat teacher, who annoy me alot....wait correction,who used to annoy me alot.' When they heard him, they were shocked. Later they came to know that, it was Elijah, who killed that teacher. They tried to make him understand not to kill someone innocent but he wouldn't listen.

His killings increased, making his parents doubt with his son's sudden change in behaviour. After a checkup, they realised their son has became a psychopath. So, they needed to do his regular checkups with psychiatrist.

Years had passed and he is 22 now. He had gained control on killing. a little bit. But not completely.

Now, Lucas was worried, because his son wasn't going to psychiatrist regularly.

Lucas has changed a lot. Now, he wasn't just cold for outside world, but for inside of his mansion as well including his children except his wife. He was a strict parent, who expect his children to follow all his commands and regulation. Doesn't matter if the person is his child only. If they break any of his rule, they would get punished according.

He too had increased training hours of his children to make them much strong and fearless person.

After Rose lost her daughter, she went into a small period of depression, that had effected their family balance and business. They told investigators of whole world to find their missing piece. And the team searched as well. But after a month, they got a very heartbreaking news.

Proofs were found that their daughter was burnt with only a chain left in between those small soft bones and burning flesh which she was wearing when snatched.

That news broke hearts of everyone. It's been many years but still , the family hadn't overcame the trauma.

"So only for killing Capo, we are going America." He was diverted by the wife of Rose.

He smirked evily at his wife's word and shook his head.
"Nah, actually we found that Fucker, Robert Miller, who stole our whole information and gave to Americans. And right now , he is hiding in America. Oh, how many years we had searched him and ended up finding as a teacher in a random school in America."

Completing his sentence, he looked his wife who was already burning with anger. She narrowed her eyes thinking something then again she matched her gaze with his.

"Lucas, you remember the person who stole our 6 billion dollars?"
Lucas nodded. She gave a curt nod and trailed off,"The person is non other than that son of bitch, Robert"

Hearing his wife's word, a throaty chuckle escaped his lips. "Seems like his karma had increased his torture duration before death"

His wife smirked at his response. And asked getting up from the chair , she was sitting before, of Lucas's study. "So for that we are gonna give a speech on that school related to our charity contribution in which Robert is and then capture him after seeking any chance. Is that the plan?"

He nodded. His wife then after giving him a quick hug, grabbed the coat, she had kept . Just when she was about to dash out, Leo came panting heavily.

"S-Sir, s-someone wants to speak with you. He is saying , he is Luis, head of the America 's Investigating team. And he just found A-Ananessa is alive.

Hearing Leo's words, both of them couldn't believe their ears. Their eyes had widened because of the sudden news. Rose instantly grabbed the phone and put it on speaker. She hurriedly spoke, "Is that true?" From the other side Luis said "yes and and she is in the same school where you both will be giving a visit. You just have to scan the front row of students. The girl which will be seated exactly at front seat wearing a pastel pink dress would be your daughter "

"I-I can't believe it." Rose whispered. Her eyes had already welled up with tears. Tears of joy.
She looked at his husband smiling with tears and then handed him the phone.

Lucas hid his curiosity and excitement with a cold voice and then spoke, "If you had given us a false hope and information and we find that out, then you better get ready to regret cuz till we do not get confirm, that the girl you are talking about is our daughter, you will not get any money."

Luis from that side replied back,"No sir. I am not telling you this for my advantage. I am not expecting money from you. I had matched her DNA as well. It really matches. So be assured, she is your daughter."

"Let's then end the discussion here." With that Lucas cut the call.

His wife was smiling with happiness. She was again going to meet her daughter after many years. Lucas chest was blooming with flowers when he came to know his daughter was alive.

So that time they decided to take back her daughter, to her real place. They can't wait to tell their sons this heart blooming news. Hell, they were now going to take his all sons in America. So that they could all return back together smiling and knowing each others.

But still something, clicked inside their mind making them frustrated a bit.

It was definitely confirm that, when her daughter would know their business ,wouldn't want to go with them. Matter would have been different if she would have grown in Vastello family, she would have adjusted with her reality and life. But she was currently 15, and had became pre-mature . So there was 80% chance, she wouldn't accept them.

But again, she is Vastello. And she had to accept it. Whether she wants or not, she will be taken back and now, nothing could stop them to take their daughter back including she, herself.

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