Untitled Part 2

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artwork credited to the amazingly talented i_AM_IN_HELL

He manages to figure out the door and jumps in, slamming it behind him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Shut up Levi", you say as you mash the pedal down and take off. "Now is not the time."

"You're going to fucking kill somebody!", he shouts and hunkers down in his seat. You are heading straight for his fan club. They scatter in both directions screaming and he looks back at their disappearing faces with relief.

"Now will you tell me who you are and where you're taking me?"

"YN." You say no more and continue to drive, opting for back roads as opposed to highways and freeways. You can see news helicopters dotting the rapidly fading sky above the city. Best not to be seen.

Levi settles for the answer for the time being and turns his head to look out the window. Everything is moving past at an unsettling yet exciting speed. He then looks at you.

There's a lot of determination and fire in that gaze and he admires it. Your e/c eyes focus on the road, occasionally darting to the rear and side mirrors. There's also that cocky little smile you're wearing. He gets the impression that smile has something to do with this metal vehicle you're in. He can't deny the power and speed of this vessel is downright intoxicating and settles in to enjoy the ride.

He's correct in his assessment. You've been a car girl your whole life. Soapbox as a child, junior stock car in high school, semi-pro drag and drift as an adult. Truly nothing is as fun as being behind the wheel and you downshift to take a tight turn, causing him to damn near lean into you. You correct coming into the straightaway and the car fishtails for a brief moment. You almost laugh at the pair of hands clutching your dash.

"How about putting your seatbelt on?" You nod down at yours to indicate what you mean. After a brief struggle he manages to figure his out as well.

After about an hour the city lights are no longer visible. The cool night air brings along with it the scent of trees and lake water. You take a right at the next crossroads and turn on a gravelly, uneven path indicated by an old beat-up mailbox. Trees and moonlight make hectic patterns on the ground before you and you would have to know the road before you in order to navigate.

You know it well.

You're home.

You shut the engine off and hop out, taking a look around. It's been a long time since you've been here, and the nostalgia is bittersweet.

'Mom and dad's funeral.', you think with a sigh and unlock the door. Levi's voice comes from right behind you and you jump, causing you to drop your keys. He catches them before they hit the ground and hands them back to you. His hand brushes yours as you grab them and you turn quickly, hiding your blushing face.

"I need to find my friends."

"We will." You flip on the lights and take a look around for the first time in years.

Everything is the same as you left it. The light over the kitchen sink needs to be replaced but other than that, same old house. Meanwhile, Levi is inspecting everything with a critical eye.

"Dusty.", he mutters, taking in the covered furniture, fireplace, chandelier and the strange black rectangle above said fireplace. A double sliding glass door looks out on the lake, and he moves towards it, looking out towards the horizon.

"Then clean if you wish.", you snap. He turns back to you, giving you a glare.

"I'm not your maid and didn't ask to be here."

"And I didn't have to rescue you from that fucking shit show, either. Last thing I need is you picking apart how the place looks."

"Do you really think I needed saving?" He's walking towards you now and looking none too pleased.

"Bedrooms are up the stairs, Levi. Pick one. Stay up all night, doesn't matter to me." You make for the stairs instead of answering him and he grabs your arm.

"Why am I here?", he asks, holding you with his gaze.

What do you tell him? You panicked and didn't think it through? That you have a titan-sized crush on his stupid ass? Both would be correct. In the end, you say neither. You pull from his grasp and walk up the stairs.

"We can begin searching for your friends tomorrow."

He watches you disappear with a sigh.


"How do I look?"

Hanji has found that this warehouse is, or was, storage for a department store. Box upon box of clothing is stored in the isles and she's been pulling stuff out at random and trying it on.

"You could blend in, but-" Erwin replies hesitantly.

"But what?"

"It's the eyepatch, Hanj. You stick out like a sore thumb.", Miche chimes in.

"Oh alright." She turns to rifle through another box for a moment. "What about these?" She turns to face them with a pair of sunglasses adorning her face. Miche and Erwin nod with approval.

"You certainly look the part, but can you act the part?"

"We're going to find out. Wish me luck." She walks out of the warehouse into the hustle of the city night.

'Damn, sunglasses weren't the best choice for this time of night.' She looks left and then right, opting to cross the street instead. Wanting to keep the warehouse in sight for her first foray out, she heads towards the smell of coffee. The sign up ahead claims to have "The Best Coffee in Town!". She could sure use some.

Of course, the thought of money didn't cross her mind and she stands outside the door, wondering what to do.


She turns in alarm to the voice at her elbow. A rather tall gentleman with sandy blonde hair is smiling at her.

"Forgive me if this seems rather forward, but would you be interested in joining me for a cup of coffee?"

"Sir, I don't-"

"I'm only on my break right now.", he continues over the top of her. "I work at Scion Laboratories just down the road. It's pretty dead this time of night. I could use the conversation and you seem a bit lost." Again, the flash of a friendly smile.

'Laboratories? This could prove beneficial, except...'

"Ah sir, I realized I had forgotten my wallet and was just about to return home."

He chuckles and holds the door open for her. "I am happy to buy for a lovely lady. I'm Charlie."

"Hanji.", she responds, her curiosity now getting the better of her. Lovely? She follows him into the shop with pink-tinged cheeks.

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