Untitled Part 13

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Dazed, Levi cracks one eye open. Nothing about his surroundings make sense. The smoke, the crackling of flames, searing pain, and the sight of an upside-down Hanji screaming his name. Upside down?

It is then a pair of strong hands pull him from the wreckage and help him to his feet. Everything is red. Why is it red?

"He needs help. Miche, get him moving. We need to get clear." Erwin's voice.

"He can barely see with all the blood in his eyes," Miche shouts over the sound of whirring helicopters and flames. He pulls Levi up to stand and they start moving as far and fast as they can away from the wreckage.

The gas tank ignites, and the resulting explosion sends everyone flying. The two helicopters are also hit with the blast, and further, the remaining LAW chargers go off as well. As they get to their feet and start running, one pilot starts firing. The blast causes him to spin out of control, and the weapon controls slip from his hands.

Gun shooting off, the helicopter crashes into the other, both exploding and spiraling to the ground. A stray bullet erupts from Charlie's chest and a spray of blood decorates the ground as he gasps out a strangled "Hanj" and collapses.

Erwin reaches down and grabs the man, throwing him over his shoulder. Ears ringing from the concussions that went off along with assorted other ammo, Levi looks around disoriented. No way seems correct in getting out of here.


You've been wringing your hands in anxiety since seeing the news report on the tv. Of course, betraying your lovers request and going after him crossed your mind. Ride or die. In the end, that mental image of him bending down to kiss your stomach stops you.

Now, standing on the pier, a vague sense of foreboding hits you. A sense that all is not well in the world. It's about to come crumbling down around your ears, as a matter of fact. That's when the explosions start. Fire and smoke can be seen in the distance.

"Copperhead Butte. That's where they are. Copperhead Butte."


"We're fucked," Levi shouts.

"What?" Hanji screams back, staring at Charlie's weakening form strung over Erwin's shoulder. They're small, but Levi can see military vehicles coming around the mountain bend to the north. His hearing is so muffled, he doesn't register the other vehicle coming closer.

"I said we're fucked!"

"Which way? Which way do we fucking go?" Everyone turns to Erwin for an answer. His eyes widen with relief when your Camaro screeches to a halt and you start wailing on the horn.

Just like when you two first met. Levi runs for all he's worth and whips open the door. The differences this time being the near-death man being placed in the backseat, and the fact that the pursuers this time are not crazed fans.

"The fuck are you doin' here," he growls, jumping in after everyone else piles in and clicking his seatbelt in place. He looks simultaneously angry and relieved.

"Saving your dumb ass." You punch her into drive and floor the gas, spinning the tires out on the gravel momentarily before she catches her grip and shoots forward. "You trashed the charger, didn't you?"

To everyone in the back's surprise, Levi puts his seat back and relaxes, seemingly unbothered by your speed on these winding mountain roads. He reaches out to give your hand a squeeze.

"You were supposed to stay where it was safe, not come out here like some swinging dick hero."

"Fuck that shit. You don't get to do this without me." Punching the gas and downshifting, you drift around first one curve and then the other.

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