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The next morning I woke up feeling much better

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The next morning I woke up feeling much better. Not perfect but better than yesterday. No crams.


I spoke too soon. They're still here but at least not as bad as yesterday. I got up and got ready for the day before heading out of my room.


I looked around the hallway to see if someone's making the noise. But it's empty. I walk farther and suddenly there's a hand on my mouth and I'm being dragged somewhere.

"Shh, calm down it's just me." I heard Adrian speak as he closed the door behind him.

"You scared me."

"Yeah," he smirked. "You should've seen your face."

I frowned and turned to leave but he stopped me.

"Alright wait I'm sorry. Don't go, this is important."

I was confused. What can he possible want from me?

"Look nobody's going to be home today so I'm suppose to babysit you-"

"I'm not a baby. I can look after myself," now I'm offended.

"Yeah yeah whatever. But now listen, I have this thing I need to go to but I can't leave you alone-"

I huffed knowing there's no winning an argument against him so I'm not going to waste my breath talking.

"-so I'm going to drop you off to dad's office. Ok?"

I nodded excited to see papa's office. It's going to be fun.


"I told you to get the file ready by 11 a

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"I told you to get the file ready by 11 a.m. didn't I? Then where the hell is it?" I growled annoyed that the level of incompetency of my employees. "You better place it on my desk by the next hour or you're fired. Now go."

He nodded and almost ran out. Idiot.

About half an hour later my assistant knocked on the door and informed me that Adrian's here. What's he doing here, I told him to look after Astrid.

"Hey dad," Adrian once again barged in without knocking followed by Astrid.

"Hello love, how're you doing?"

"Woah dad, I'm doing great man. Thanks for asking," the buffoon answered.

I scoffed. "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to my daughter, Astrid."

Adrian scowled, "I knew that, I was just messing with you."

I rolled my eyes and asked him what he was doing here.

"So I know I was supposed to look after her but something came up and I need to leave, so I'm going to leave her with you. Bye," Adrian went out as soon as he finished talking. Coward.

"Alright then honey, what do you want to do?" I asked Astrid with a smile.

She shrugged. "What about my tutoring and swimming?"

"Oh-" stupid Adrian "- guess you'll miss those today. I'll tell Mrs. Gibbs you won't be able to attend today and maybe if we go home early you can take a night swim."

She nodded and looked around.

"Why don't you sit down. Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat or drink? Tea? Coffee? Juice? Smoothie?"

"It's ok papa. I ate breakfast just a few hours ago and I don't feel like having anything right now." She assured me with a sweet smile and I nodded.

"Okay then, I'll get you a book would you like that?" She nodded. "Ok so I'll get the book and I have some work, I'll just wrap it up and then we can go for lunch."

I told my assistant to get The Book Thief  in 5 minutes and went back to making sure my daughter was comfortable.

5 minutes later he was here with the book. I gave it to Astrid and she started reading it happily. She's getting advanced in her studies which is great but then I think about her going to school then college then maybe even getting married and leaving us and that sends me spiralling. I shook my head to clear off negative thoughts and got to work.

A few moments later someone knocked at my door. "Come in."

"Sir, I bought the files," the employee I was yelling at this morning, Justin, came in. His eyes immediately went to the Astrid but he diverted his eyes soon after.

"Give them to Daemon. And take these with you and tell him that I asked him finish these." I handed him a big stack of papers which I was supposed to do but now I'm just trying to rid myself of unnecessary burden 'cause I need to hangout with my daughter.

"Ok sir," Justin left carrying the big stack of paperwork and I stood up.

"Come on love, let's go."

Astrid didn't even budge. She was so into the book I don't think she heard me. So I placed my hand on her shoulder gently gaining her attention.

"Let's go love."

She tilted her head to the side, "now? It's only 12."

"Yeah I thought maybe we can go to the art museum before lunch."

Her eyes sparkled and she quickly stood up forwarding the book to me. I shook my head. Silly girl. She's so pure, she's returning the book her father brought for her. "It's yours baby."

She gasped hugging me. "Thank you."

I kissed her forehead and held her for a few more minutes. "You don't ever need to thank me for anything Astrid."

She smiled shyly and followed me out of the room. She stuck to my side as we passed many people. "It's ok, I'm here."


Hey, next chapter is going to be the father daughter bonding y'all wanted.

Hope you like this chapter and I'll try to update faster. Keep voting and commenting. <3

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