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We're going back home today

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We're going back home today. I'll finally be able to see Daemon and Adonis after two whole weeks. Yay.

I am sitting next to Eros, he's saying something but I'm so sleepy that I can't focus. Suddenly I hear him chuckle. "If you're so sleepy then why don't you go lie down."

I shook my head. I don't want to lie down, I want to watch the clouds.

Eros sighed and got up but came back a few minutes later with papa. "Go, sleep, my love," papa said caressing my head and I almost purred at how nice it feels.

Eros is a snitch.

I nodded and walked to the back of the plane where the bedroom is. I walked in a saw Adrian already sleeping on the bed. I tiptoed near him and quietly lay down next to him. Now I just need the duvet.

I try to pull the duvet out from his death grip. Seriously, he's holding it like his life depends on it. I pulled it again and Adrian jerked awake. Oops.

"What are you doing," he asked groggily.

"I'm just trying to get the-" I said before he interrupted me.

"Whatever it doesn't matter," he said as he pulled me under the duvet and snuggled into me. "You make a good cuddle pillow."

I giggled and snuggled more into his chest.


I was hurrying through my paperwork when someone knocked on the door

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I was hurrying through my paperwork when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Célia Macedo, he company's finance manager walked in. "Sir, you called."

I tried to not stare but she's so beautiful. I cleared my throat. "Yes, Miss Macedo, sit. I wanted to go over the-" I was cut off by my phone ringing.

Anubis. What does he want?


"How to take care of a sick child," is what he said.

"What," I asked, confused.

"Astrid's sick. We were on the plane and Adonis isn't picking up and we don't know what to do. And grandma gave her some tea and aunt Scarlett isn't here cause her sister's having a baby right now and aunt Emily is sick too and aunt Nicolle gave her some medicine but she's still burning up. They told me to call another doctor but I don't know any other doctor," Anubis rambled.

"You guys are back?"

"Yes. We reached like two hours ago but Astrid had a fever on the plane. What do I do?"

"Alright calm down. I'll call Adonis and I'll be there."

"Okay. Okay," he hung up while chanting okay.

"Miss Macedo, you can go now."

She frowned. "But sir-"


She nodded and got up.

I called Adonis next. He didn't pick up. I called again. He didn't pick up, what the hell is he doing.

I called our family doctor and told him to reach our home. Then I ran out of my cabin, again trying to reach Adonis but he's still not picking up.

I got in the car and drove like a mad man, wanting to get home as fast as possible.

I reached home in record time and ran to Astrid's room. She was sleeping while dad was sitting near her head caressing her hair while Adrian was pacing, the others nowhere in sight.

"Did you call Adonis," dad asked as soon as I entered the room.

I shook my head. "He's not picking up."

"Did you call his driver," Adrian asked.

I nodded. "He said he's in the hospital."

"Maybe he had to do an emergency surgery or something."

"Maybe." I placed my hand on Astrid's forehead. "She's burning up. Didn't you give her any medicine?"

"I did," dad cried. "But the fever's not going away."

I exhaled harshly. "I called Dr. Anderson. He'll be here soon."

Dad nodded and Adrian went out.

"Where are the others," I asked.

"I told them to rest for a while. It was a long journey and they're all tired."

"Why don't you go and take rest too." I suggested but he started protesting. "Dad, you also had a long flight. You must be tired. Go take a shower, eat something maybe lay down for a while. I'll stay with her."

He sighed. "Alright I'll just go take a quick shower and I'll be back."

"And eat something, please. We don't need you to get sick as well."

Dad nodded and went out. I sat down next to my Alora and ran my fingers through her hair. After a while Adrian came back with Dr. Anderson behind him.

"Check her," Adrian growled. "If you can't make her better, I'll have your head."

Dr. Anderson looked positively scared.

"Adrian why don't you go take a shower. You'll feel better," I said wanting him out so Anderson could do his job properly.

"I'm not going anywhere."


He noticed the edge in my voice and quietly left the room.

As soon as he was out Dr. Anderson went near Alora, checked her temperature, heartbeat and a few other things. "It seems like a viral fever. It'll go away on its own."

"But is her temperature not going down?"

"These fever tend to get the temperature really high and they usually don't come down that easily. I'll give you a few medicines but don't worry. It'll go away. It's nothing serious."

I nodded and lead him out and came back to sit next to her again.

She stirred as I sat down. "Shh, sleep," I said patting her.

She moaned and opened her eyes. "Daemon?"

"Yes, darling. It's me. Now go back to sleep."

She smiled and closed her eyes again. "I missed you, Damy."

My heart melted at her sweet words. "I missed you too, my precious."

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