Chapter Seven- The club incident

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Dave’s point of view:

The girl looks so lonely, she looks like a girl who hasn’t been in the club in her life. Maybe, she probably came with someone or was waiting for a person. But who waits for someone at the club? She looks innocent to me.

Somehow I want her, her innocence will satisfy my desires. She is exactly what I need. I want her and anything I want, I must get it at any cost.

I pushed the sluts rubbing my body away and stood up to make my way to her. I went out of the VIP lounge to the regular lounge, I had to force my way through the sweat bodied people dancing and making out.  I have never been in the regular lounge until now. Because of a girl? Not to talk of a slut.

Finally I got to her with so many difficulties; I stood beside and observed her before talking to her. I don’t need to impress all I have to say is:

“Care to go home with me?” I asked her

That brought her into reality and faced me. I know she couldn’t see me very well because where I stood was dark.

The girl is beautiful; she would have been more beautiful if she had put on sexy clothes and cosmetics. She had no makeup on and she was dressed in a faded pants and sweater, I can see she is struck at fashion. She should know that when coming to a club, she has to look sexy, but what is my business in what she wears or how she dresses? All I want is to get her on my bed right now.

“Excuse me?” she said innocently. Oh my! Her innocence is turning me on.

“I said you should come with me to warm me up, after all it’s winter time. I will pay you any amount” I stated.

 I almost touch her body when she said:

“I am not interested please”

“Oh come on, don’t act innocent with me, I know you want this. I don’t have time just let’s go and I will pay you enough for you to always come back to me. Isn’t this your job? To satisfy men” I stated. She glared at me though she couldn't see me but I could feel her glares.

I touched her face, my hand making its way to her next, but she slapped my hand away, she stood up and slapped me hard across my face.

Angelina’s point of view:

“Which part of it don’t you understand? Jerk. I am not interested means I am not, understood. Go and find girls that are interested. You can’t force yourself on me, got it” I yelled. The past is making its way into my head. The flashes of how he started molesting me came. Tears started to roll down my face. I am going to have an attack, I am getting the signs.

The music stopped now the people were staring at us, everything started getting blurry but I wanted to say more so I continued and wiped my tears.

“You should be ashamed of yourself, if you try this again with me, I will make sure you pay. Such a despicable man, when you know you can’t withstand getting turned up, why come here? You fool. Men like you should be in prison , not among normal human beings. Animal” I was dragged away, once I was out of the people's view, I started trying to relax but it wasn’t working.

My breathing became hard and I started gasping for air. The memories were rushing back. I felt like I was going to die any moment from now. Abbey's voice starts to faint in my ear.

Dave’s point of view: 

As soon as she was gone, Chris came to me to scold me but I left the club before he could say anything.

I would find her and destroy her for humiliating me in public. Thank God, no one recorded it. The people went back to what they were doing after she was gone or else, my image would be completely tarnished in the society.

She would regret doing that……..

“That was that, Dave?” Chris asked when he joined me outside.

“The girl is a complete bitch, all I wanted was to get her on my bed but it turned out that she is a saint” I explained to him.

“Your luck. You should be happy that the scene was not recorded and the girl couldn’t see your face” he said.

“I know, let’s go, I have no business here any longer” I knew Chris would object. I made my way to my car wanting to hear his objections and lame excuses.

But before he could say anything we heard worried voices. Though I am not in the mood to check the owner of the voice but the owner of the voice is beside my car. The owner is a young guy tapping the girl who is on the floor gasping for air.  The girl on the floor looks like she has an attack. The girl is the damn girl who disgraced me not quite age.

“What is wrong with her?” Chris asked the guy. I glared at him.

“She has an attack. Panic attack, she isn’t with her drugs and what happened inside caused it” he replied. “Please assist me to take her to the hospital, she is losing her consciousness” he cried out but I don’t care, if she dies so be it.

“Sorry we can’t, help yourself. Chris let’s go” I said.

“Come on Dave, we got to help her” I glared at him; he pleaded with me with his eyes. I had no choice but to give in. Chris helped the guy in carrying her into my new Ferrari car. We took her to the nearest hospital. But I didn't want the girl to see me so Chris paid her bills and we left.

Abbey’s point of view:

I shouldn’t have let her come with me.

I should have known the club was a place she would remember her past.

I am at fault.

But the guy would pay for making my sis like this.

The doctor told me she would be okay in thirty minutes and she would be discharged and I am so happy to hear that. The bills have been paid by the guys who brought her here but I was unable to appreciate that which was bad. I believe I am going to meet them one day and appreciate them.

I would confess my crimes to mom when we get home, I know I will get punished but I deserve it. And I vow from now onward I will never let any harm come to my sister, I will always protect her. Angelina needs to be treated like an egg that should break. My sister is still healing from her past but she always pretends to be strong in order to provide for the family and It Is my job to protect her from the evil world.

The thought of Maria came in and I smiled that though alone brought a smile into my face Maria and I are now an item. But I am afraid of losing her because we are from two different worlds. But I am deeply in love with her. She never let me think that our levels are different but I am worried about her family, will they accept me?


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