Thirty Eight- Apology not accepted

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Two years later:

Angelina's point of view:

Gosh, I am so late for the lecture. I quickly got my bag and went out of my dorm.

I should always always sleep with my alarm. It wasn't my fault though, Dave came to my hostel last night and we spent the night together. I wanted to set the alarm but he promised to wake me up. But here he is, sleeping like a log. I wrote a short note for him on sticky paper and left my room.

I got to the lecture room 30 minutes after the lecture commenced.

"You are late, Miss Moore." The lecturer said, Mr Stone is the strictest lecturer I have ever had. He always wants you to get into trouble with him. He doesn't like tardiness. I should have known this was going to happen before I accepted Dave's request.

"I am sorry sir, I met with traffic at my college." I lied.

"Who lives with her in her hostel?" He asked the whole class.

Milly Rose her hand up. Gosh, Molly has always been a jerk to me after knowing that I am her competitor in studies. She always wanted to have better grades than me but I always let her know that intelligence is different from intelligence.

She stood up and said;

"I do sir, she lives opposite my room." She announced.

"Thank you, Miss Wood. Was there traffic on your way to college?" He asked her.

"No, Sir. In Fact the road was very free." She replied to his question.

"Thank you. You can have your seat. And stop chewing gum in my class. Remove it from your mouth right now." He said to her in a calm tone but enough to send a grave warning to her.

"Yes sir." She muttered as she had her seat.

"Because you are brilliant or you are the most brilliant student in the school doesn't mean you can do anything you like. You should know that I am different from other lecturers and I abide strictly to my rules and regulations. So for this, stay outside the lecture room until I finish with today's  class." He said as he dismissed me.

I shamelessly went out of the lecture room and sat down on the bench. I couldn't hear anything and that bothers me the most. What if they are having tests?

I pray not and I pray they don't treat new topics today.  

When the lecture ended, everyone departed. I was about to leave the passage. I heard my name being called.

"Angelina" Milly sang.

I turned back to see her and her goons.

"What's it this time?" I asked her with frustration. I can't wait to get home and vent my anger on Dave. And also because I will be able to see my boy today. I have missed him. It has been  two weeks since I have seen him. I am  longing to see him.

"I couldn't believe you were chased out of the lecture room. I always believed you were the lecturers' favorite but not anymore. That's really bad. I will make sure I see your downfall in this college and take what is truly mine." She said,

I don't have time for this and also I don't like using my boyfriend's card to discard people. I think I have to vent my anger on her. And I also need to put her in her place. I have been keeping up with all this shit for a while now but not anymore.

"Milly Woods, I hope you understand the consequences of crossing me Every Time but you chose to ignore it. I have been keeping up with your shit for a while now but not anymore. I am not doing any competition with you. If you try to dare be next time, then I promise I won't think twice before putting you in your place. Any one more thing. Don't ever cross paths with me again. If you see me coming this way, take another route. I don't want to see your face again. I know you know who you are dealing with. Take good care of yourself." I said and turned to leave.

Hire A MaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora