chapter two: the puck flip

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Addison and I had become quite close after that shift. Every weekend this past month she had come to the bar and chatted with me. I was very thankful for that because now I didn't dread coming to work.

Each visit I learned more and more about her. She's a senior at Boulder University making her the same age as me. She lived here growing up and drives down most weekends to visit her grandparents.

She texted me this morning saying that after her last class she was going to drive over. It always made me smile that she was willing to keep me company.

Halfway through my shift a familiar blonde walked through the doors. I smiled as she took her regular seat at the bar.

"So...anything interesting happen this week?" she asks.

"Not really," I shook my head. "School is as usual and Callum asked me to go to one of his games again," I laughed.

"He's the hockey player, right?" she asks. I give her a nod. "Well then why don't you go?" she questions.

"I'm not really interested in the hockey scene," I shrugged.

"Oh c'mon. I loved watching this team play when I was younger. My parents always had tickets to their games," she explains. "And plus, with the record they have now I think you should go at least once," she pushes.

I was a little unsure of going but if I was going to go, I was not going alone. "Fine. But you're coming with me." I said cleaning a glass.

"Fine by me," she shrugged. "Trust me, it's not as dreadful as you think."

Oh I know, but that's not the reason I'm hesitant.


Saturday night Addie and I sat down right in front of the glass before warm ups were over. The arena was packed with people, students, and families all here to watch the game.

The Aspen Avalanche were good. And their outstanding record shows it. The only reason I kept up with some of this stuff is so Callum doesn't think I don't care. I care about him, but he would like me to care about his sport.

I heard a knock against the glass that made me peel my eyes away from my phone. I looked up and saw Callum standing in front of me. He had the biggest grin on his face when I smiled back at him.

I gave him a small wave before he skated back to the bench. "Was that Callum?" Addie asks from beside me.

"Yeah," I replied while looking over at her.

She wasn't even looking at me but her eyes were locked on Callum who had just taken his position on the ice. "So are you two like dating or..."

"Oh my god, no." I shut it down immediately. "We're just friends," I bumped her on the shoulder.

She doesn't say anything else but gives me a small smile. I turned my attention back to the ice as the ref blew the whistle.

Time for the puck drop.

Whoever we were playing I felt sorry for. We had absolutely broken the game open with a strong first period. We were drawing penalties left and right, giving us a power play goal almost every time.

I watched Callum for a while and he made a few defensive plays that kept the score as it was. He was a great penalty killer and we were able to hold them to no power play goals all game.

Besides Cal I had my eye on one of the forwards. He had scored twice this game but something told me he was used to it. It was the final seconds before the end of the third period and the forward had the puck in his possession.

Time dwindled on the clock but he was able to evade the pressure and run the clock out. Skating down the side of the ice he flipped the puck over the glass before skating back to the bench.

It sailed over the glass and landed right in front of my feet. I bent down to grab it and looked over at Addie.

"I guess I should come to games more often," I smiled, holding up my souvenir. "I didn't know I was such a lucky person," I joked.

"I wouldn't even call that lucky. I would call that a deliberate sign that he wants you," she grins.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh c'mon Dani, did you not see the smile on his face before he skated away?" she questioned.

"No..." I shook my head. "He smiled at me?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"As he skated away?" I added biting my lip.

"Yes, but no surprise. You're drop dead gorgeous Dani," she gave me a pointed look.

I tried not to hide my smile but that ultimately failed when I felt a grin on my face.

"Ok, ok. No more googly eyes. Let's get you out of here, I'm afraid you're too hot for your own good." she laughs pushing me down the row.

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