chapter thirty five: trust

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It's been three days since my conversation with Callum and it's been actual torture.

All day I sit around the house and reject the idea of talking to him, yet alone think about him. But at night it all goes to shit.

At night I lay in bed and cry myself to sleep feeling so fucking guilty about a decision I made.

Part of me wants to talk to him, to understand what's going on, but the other half just rejects the idea.

The other guys came over to hang out last night and they all mentioned how Hunter was acting and it just made me feel even worse.

I know I need to talk to him and the only person standing in my way is myself. And this god forsaken brain of mine.

I sigh and walk downstairs, it already being two in the afternoon. A rainy afternoon should I add.

The weather outside only made my thoughts worse. What if the conversation went to total shit?

No. You have to stop overthinking it.

I walk into the living room and see Carter playing video games on the TV. I sit down on the couch with him, slumping into the cushions.

"Rough morning?" he asks, pressing the buttons on the controller.

"You could say that again," I rolled my eyes. Yes, I rolled my eyes. I still felt a little pain but it was manageable.

"Rough morning?" he asks again with a grin.

"Oh my god." I mumble, shaking my head.

"So have you thought about what we said?" he questioned, referring to Hunter I assume.

"Yeah," I sigh, "I think I'll talk to him soon."

Today marked a week since I left Cal's apartment and I don't think I could go another day without talking to him. Knowing that he might've not slept or taken care of himself for seven days had me worried.

"You don't need to stress, you got it champ." he said before he died in the game. "Oh my fucking god!" he fumed, placing the controller to the side.

I laughed and got up walking into the kitchen. They had glass sliding doors out onto the porch and they looked frozen shut.

How cold was it outside?

I checked the weather on my phone and saw that it was almost below freezing. 34 degrees with rain. That sounds like a terrible day to be outside.

I found myself not that hungry but I still wanted to warm up a little bit. So I decided to make myself some hot chocolate before heading back upstairs.

Today I wanted to catch up on some online work I missed. It was a lot and I wanted to get through most of it if I could so I didn't have to worry about it next week.

Fast forward a few hours and I have papers spread out on my bed and my face in my laptop. Never knew how much someone could miss in a few days, but my professors were showing no mercy.

Someone calling my name snapped me out of my work, "Dani! There's someone at the door for you!" I heard Bev yell from down stairs.

"Tell them I'll be right there!" I yell back. I still needed this last paragraph and then I'd be satisfied for the day.

What I thought would be a few minutes turned out to be about twenty. When I finished the last sentence I checked the time and hurried downstairs.

Stepping into the foyer I one? That's weird.

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