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Your door was unlocked.

You had just come back from the run. You still felt that light airy feeling in your chest, as if you could take on the world. You had a soft smile on your face as you reached your door. Reaching down, your keys jingle as you took them out of your pocket.

You were about to insert the key into the lock before noticing something. Your smile instantly dropped, and a feeling of fear washed over you.

A sliver of light shined out the door and into the hallway. You shakily put your key back into your pocket. Oh my God, have I been robbed?

You extended your arm, hand laying flat on the door before lightly pushing it. With a loud squeak, the door opened with ease.

I know I locked the door before I left.

I swallowed thickly, before hesitantly going inside my apartment. I had left my bear spray in my purse, which I didn't bring with me. I know my purse is in my bedroom, but the bad thing is my bedroom is the farthest from the door I'm at, making it risky to get it if someone is indeed in my house.

I scanned around my house cautiously, trying to find anything missing or anyone hiding. Since my kitchen is the closest, I quickly ran in there. It's time for the next best self-defense tool, the oh-so-deadly broom.

I snatched the broom in my hands, pointing the brush end outwards. After assessing if anything was missing in the kitchen, which there wasn't any, I stealthily sneaked out of the kitchen. I slowly made my way into my living room, constantly turning around to make sure no one sneaks up behind me.

I saw a flash of movement to my right, making me snap my head and go into a fight position with my broom high and ready to smack someone. But the movement wasn't inside the apartment, it was outside. I saw a shadow move swiftly across my balcony. I was launched into motion, as soon as I got close, I grabbed the curtain and practically ripped it from its hinges.

But nothing was there.

"Fuck!" I said to myself. I know something was there. I'm not crazy! I scanned the balcony to look for any clues that someone was there but came up with nothing. "God damn it," I muttered, harshly sliding my curtain close, hearing it clunk and shutter loudly.

Maybe it was that annoying cat on my balcony. Shit like that always seems to happen to me. I see something that might be threatening, but it turns out to be something else. I scanned the rest of my apartment, but there was no evidence of anyone being there at all. A sense of relief flowed over me, but still didn't make me feel better. Creepy stuff like this has been going on for a month! No matter where I go I constantly feel as if I'm being watched or feel as if something bad is about to happen.

I just want to know what's going on.

If my constant stress doesn't kill me, then my paranoia will.

- - -

I smiled as I handed the person in front of me the Latte they ordered. They looked at me uncaringly, muttering a small "thanks" as they turned and exited the coffee shop. Since the line was empty, I turned my back and cleaned a small spill. I lifted my head to stare at the afternoon sky from the window, watching as people in different attires passed by.  I could hear the clicking of someone's keyboard over the music in the store, they were seated in the farthest corner of the store. They looked young, probably working on a project or something. I observed the store more, just noticing how many people were actually in here.  

I perked up hearing the chime of the door. Seeing two elderly people walk in, hand-in-hand. My heart warmed a little at the cute scene. They lightly chatted amongst themselves as they made their way to the counter. When they came up to the counter, they both turned their heads to me, just noticing my presence. I smiled warmly at them, "Hello, what can I get for you ladies?" I said.

Hunted (Yandere! Killers x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now