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It was that time of the week.

You stared into your fridge with a frown. It was completely empty. You sighed, slamming the door closed. Your head has been killing you ever since you woke up this morning. You regret drinking so much the night before. Gael already left before you woke up this morning, having to go to his morning classes, which left you to have to go to the grocery store alone. You grumbled obscenities to yourself. With no cure for your hangover, you just felt sick and tired.

You fell on top of your couch, pressing your face into the cushions. You really didn't want to go out, but you also needed to eat. You made a promise to yourself that you'd stop eating so much fast food, so that's off the table. The only real choice would be to just toughen up and head to the grocery store. You loudly groaned into the cushions, before peeling yourself off of them. Whatever, while I'm out ill just kill two birds with one stone and get a hangover fix.

You threw on whatever clothes you saw first in your closet and grabbed your keys. You really didn't want to deal with any bullshit today, but of course, some type of bullshit gonna come anyways. Tossing on your coat and locking the door behind you, you made your way to your car.

The chill of the November air caused you to hug your coat closer to you. It was silent this morning, the only sound was the whistling of the wind in your ears. It was peaceful. Dead leaves laid on the ground, leaving trees bare and exposed. You could see frost on the greenish-yellow grass and some on others cars. Your keys jingled in your hand as you moved to unlock your car door, desperate to flee from the coldness that lingered in the morning air.

Your car door thudded close loudly as you let out a chilled breath. Finally, you were out of the cold. All you had to do was turn on your car and turn on the heat. You pushed the key into the ignition and twisted. The car hummed to life for a moment before sputtering and dying down. Your heart fell at that, smile wiping off your face. You shoved the key back into the ignition but had the same response, the engine just sputtering. "The hell?" you said, glaring at the little key slot. You repeated the action again, hoping for a different response before suddenly halting. Wait- you sniffed the air a couple of times, confused at what you were smelling. Why does it smell like...

Looking up from the key ignition, you saw the front of your car smoking from under the hood. "Shit!" You loudly exclaimed, launching out of your car to analyze the problem. "Shit. Shit. Shit." You stared at the hood of the car, nervous to open it. With hesitant, shaky hands, you lifted the hood a couple of inches, before immediately backpedaling when a swarm of smoke met your face. You uncontrollably coughed, waving your hand in front of your face to keep it from blocking your eyes. Your eyes stung from the smoke meeting them as you had to squint to be able to see. You quickly lifted the hood all the way up, as the rest of the smoke met the atmosphere. You just stared at it in shock for a moment, almost unbelieving that this was happening. It was working perfectly fine yesterday! Why is it acting up now?

You loudly groaned, burrowing your face in your hands.


The mechanic hummed loudly in recognition from under the hood of the car before removing his head from there. You leaned on the wall behind him, "So, what happened?" You asked nervously, as he turned around toward you. "It appears a couple of wires have been torn- or rather- cut from how cleanly the separation was. The wires that help support the engine and the other mechanical parts were sliced, which caused the engine to heat up without the proper support. Therefore, causing it to smoke up and engine not to properly work." He explained slowly. Your eyes widened. The wires were cut?

"So, I'm guessing it's not an easy fix?" You said, with a deep frown. He sighed, "Not exactly. We will have to tow it to the shop to fix it.". You rubbed your temples, feeling a stronger headache come on. "How much will this cost me?" You asked, already knowing that it's gonna cost more than you'll like. The mechanic took in a harsh breath, grimacing. "Probably around.. 900?" Your jaw dropped, "900 dollars?!" You gasped. The mechanic slowly nodded, "We'll have to replace the wires and repair the engine, usually it costs more but the price for mechanical parts has gone down."

Hunted (Yandere! Killers x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now