38 | This Is Love

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Warning: Smut!

You know that moment when everything is so peaceful? Too peaceful?

I was used to constantly being stressed and guarded— prepared for the worst everyday— that having this moment where Catalina had her head on my lap had made me reach a state of bliss.

She had a book placed in between her delicate fingers and I watched as she flipped the page every few minutes.

She takes her time while reading and for some reason It just seems like such a Catalina thing to do. She likes to take her time, she's a patient girl.

We were in my jet and it had been a very long time since I had last used it.

Only a few more hours until we landed in Italy and the thought had my mind working overtime.

Catalina would finally meet my mother and my mother would finally meet the girl that I've fallen in love with.

I love Catalina.

I know I do.

And I know love is real because Catalina exists and she is full of it.

"This is your captain speaking, you have arrived In Sicily, Italy. Enjoy your stay Mr and Mrs Gambino."

Catalina's head snapped in my direction as a dark blush blanketed her features, "Mrs Gambino? Does this mean I get all your money- wait, so technically I can steal all your money and make a run for it?"

My eyebrows raise in mild amusement at her silly rambles. I'd give her everything I own and more if she had asked for it.

"What about me then? How will I support myself?"

Catalina giggles as we walk down the aisle of the plane, "I guess I can give you an allowance, you'll have to work for it though."

Slowly, I place my hands on her hips and feel the roundness fill my palms. God, I loved touching her so much it was as if my hands were created for the sole purpose of worshiping her and touching and holding her.

"Is that so, baby?" I lean down and whisper into her ear, "I know plenty of ways I can work for it."

She freezes in place and backs her ass up to my front, little minx. It takes everything in me not to throw her over my shoulder and show her how a tease gets treated.

"Thank you for the ride! I hope you have the loveliest day ever and I hope to see you soon Mr Pilot Fella," she quickly rushes out before hurrying down the steps and waiting for me at the bottom.

"Dio, what have I told you? Be careful, Catalina. You could have fallen and gotten hurt."

Catalina looks at the ground bashfully and fiddles with her fingers, her bottom lip jutted outwards.

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