40 | Up in Flames

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Hi pie 🥧 my sweetie pies 😊 I just want to thank you all for the endless support and kindness and compassion you guys gave me in the last chapter. Like oh my god I was crying reading all the comments. I can't even begin to express my gratitude for having such lovely readers. I hope all of you live the sweetest most fulfilled lives ever filled with nothing but endless love.

It's been beyond difficult trying to get through this situation in my life. I have been through many hardships and I've always survived, but this feels like one of those things where I won't recover from. I've taken up therapy and im trying to heal. It hurts really bad when you give your heart to someone and they do nothing but abuse you with it #Haha #Lol #Silly.

Anyway, on with the story and enough with my ramblings... you've all been beyond patient with me. I should bake each and every single one of you an individual cupcake 🧁



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Groggy and lightheaded, I squinted my eyes as I tried to peel them open.

The feeling of rope digging into the bare skin of my wrists sent a shock throughout my entire body, filling me with anxiety that had me feeling nauseous.

Where am I?

What happened to me?

The last thing I remember is being unable to keep myself awake.

Could this have been uncle Finn?

That's impossible, he's dead. I saw him die. I felt his blood on my bare hands.

My mind ended up wandering to a safer space, somewhere I could feel warm and fuzzy. Somewhere like Shortcake's arms and Mr Chubs and Captain Rogers fluffy paws.

Whines escaped past my lips, brushing my ears with fear. I thought I was okay. I thought I was safe.

Enough, Catalina.


My eyes searched around the vast and empty almost warehouse-like space that I was in. I tried to search my surroundings and find any landmark that would mark where I am.

There was nothing in the space that I was confined in except huge plastic bins that had numbers all over them.

The ground had deep stains of red, making a pit form in my stomach.

Definitely not Kool-Aid.

My heart beat quickens when I hear the jingling of keys followed by large, heavy footsteps. It sounded like an entire army was stepping foot into the room.

The air filled with tension until I noticed a group of men begin to come into my line of sight.

I didn't recognize any of the faces except one, however.

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