Chapter 24: The End? Part 1

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Also from here on out, hardly any more form of plot is gonna be more or less followed because I am not up for rewatching the catastrophe known as the season finale episodes of Tangled the Series to double check that I got the plot exactly followed.
Kk, enjoy~!

Ever since the whole Cassandra fiasco, security has doubled around the walls of Corona. But that sure didn't stop Rapunzel from trying to reach Cassandra.
Rapunzel and Eugene went to grab a magic weapon and had to fight Cassandra, Rapunzel and Cassandra had an off-side musical adventure that turned into a musical nightmare for Rapunzel, Cassandra turned into a hand maiden to try to make amends with Rapunzel (shockingly) but something set off Varian's amber invention and now Cassandra's back to being a psycho villain.
Then the gang and I came to find out that the real villain here is this monster named Zhan Tiri! Fun!
Now that you're mostly all caught up, here's where we're at now:

"Rapunzel, I know you think that after you miraculously change Cassandra back to the good side that everything will turn back to normal. But that's not gonna change everything she did to us physically and mentally!" I cried out.
So maybe I missed a few details...
To catch you up a little bit more on this already very fun game of catch up, after the little slip up with Varian's invention, Cassandra destroyed the kingdom with Zhan Tiri laughing maniacally from behind and now we're all stuck at the Snuggling Duckling to come up with some grand plan to defeat Zhan Tiri.
"If Varian could change than so can Cass." Rapunzel lifted her chin up.
"Would you stop comparing her to Varian!" I followed her around as she paced around the tavern.
I grabbed her shoulder and forced her to face me.
"Varian changed after almost a month in prison and lots and lots of talking and therapy sessions. Are you even planning to give Cassandra a punishment when this is all done?" I crossed my arms.
Rapunzel rubbed her shoulder guiltily, I almost cracked.
"Rapunzel! Now you're even playing favorites! You need to stop thinking of Cassandra as your friend and start thinking of a way to stop her. That's what I had to do, it's about time you do the same." I huffed, turning around and heading towards where Eugene, Lance and Varian sat.
"Do you think she'll hear out your advice?" Varian asked as I flopped my head onto the long bar table.
"She has to, or else we're never going to be able to stop her and Zhan Tiri." I sighed, turning my head towards Varian.
Varian smiles at me affectionately as he softly strokes my hair.
I smile back and sit up, taking his hand from my hair and placing it on my heart.
"No matter what happens, we're in this together. Right?" I ask.
"Always." Varian kisses my forehead.
A tap on the shoulder moves me away from Varian's loving stare.
"Y/n, you're right, and I have messy plan ready for your ears." Rapunzel gives a small smile.
I grin at her as I place a hand over hers.
"Let's hear it."

~One Musical Number Later~

Snow...had to be snow.
"Are you sure we need to travel all the way out into the snow just so we can figure out how to defeat Zhan Tiri?" I yell as a gush of wind blocks out my normal tone.
"Varian said that the blueprints for the portal to the nether world that banished Zhan Tiri is in his final resting place! If snow is where it is than snow is where we go!" Rapunzel yelled back.
We started to climb this big mountain but my gaze on what lied ahead was cut short once I turned around and saw Varian looking distressed.
I hugged myself tightly from the cold as I walked towards where he was.
"You ok?" I asked as we forged ahead.
"I'm scared for my father. It completely slipped my mind that he was once apart of the brotherhood." Varian looked helpless.
"The brotherhood that Zhan Tiri now has control over..." I finished his thought.
Varian nodded solemnly as he hugged himself, his eyes straining as he looked away.
I linked my arm around his and tried to smile at him even though my hair was whipping in all directions around my face.
I thought about the sun, and how it's sunshine warmed your face and body. I thought about a warm bed with a cozy blanket that comforted you when you were sad. I took all of those thoughts and I put them into feelings, placing them firmly into Varian's heart.
"You forgot to take your medicine again didn't you?" Varian smiled warmly at me for the gesture.
I pecked his cheek and smiled almost smugly.
"My powers have grown since then, those aren't my feelings, but the feelings I've given you because I chose to give them to you." I smiled.
"Fascinating! Not only are you starting to develop your half of the sun and moonstone's powers, but strengthening your own!" Varian started to perk up again.
"We're here guys!" Rapunzel yelled at the whole group.
"Wow." Was all I could say.

~One crazy monkey body exchange later~

"Ok, here's the plan," Rapunzel started.
The majority of Rapunzel and I's main group snuck into the castle while the rest of the kingdom prepared for a potential battle. Now Rapunzel was finally explaining her more solid plan.
"You guys stay here in the throne room and get that portal built!
I'm going to go distract and finally take what's mine." Rapunzel instructed.
"Which is?" Eugene asked, showing concern for his fiancé.
"The moonstone." Rapunzel's eyes darkened.
"I'll join you." I walked up from the rest of the group.
"No, Rapunzel, I have every right to believe that you're just gonna try and turn Cassandra good again. I'm coming this time, and I'm helping. You forget that I have a few tricks up my sleeve." My eyes glittered a light blue as I made a small black rock appear.
"Be safe you two." Arianna walked up from the rest of the group too, embracing Rapunzel and I in her arms.
Frederic joined us, tightening the hug.
"We will guys, we love you." Rapunzel kissed their foreheads.
"We love you too, both of you." Frederic looked from Rapunzel to me.
Tears welled into my eyes, it was the first time he ever said he loved me.
"We got this, for Corona!" I shouted.
"For Corona!" Everybody shouted back.
Before Rapunzel and I left, I embraced Varian tightly into a hug.
"Be safe." He whispered softly.
"I always am." I whispered back, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Good luck!" Eugene called after us.
Rapunzel blew him a kiss and I waved as he exited the throne room.
"Where do we even begin? This place is huge!" I gestured all around us.
"We'll be fine, we have each other, that's enough." Rapunzel smiled.
"Getting sentimental here, are you ok?" I laughed as she grabbed my hand.
"Yes, and no." Rapunzel sniffled.
"It's gonna be alright Rapunzel, this is for the best. Healing starts after we defeat Zhan Tiri and Cassandra." I lifted our joined hands up to signify victory.
"And defeat them we will." Rapunzel grinned, a small gleam caught in her eye. Maybe I finally talked sense into her!
We turned a corner and bumped right into Zhan Tiri herself.
Well that was fast.
"I must say, I'm quite impressed. And I have no doubt that old fool Demanitus would be very proud of how far the two of you have come." The little ghost smirked.
"We are talking about the same old fool that not only outsmarted you but also trapped you for years upon years in that nether dimension, right?" Rapunzel wiggled her eyebrows as she crossed her arms.
"Joke all you want, but the eclipse is upon us and soon, I will be truly free and have your powers, all of your powers." Zhan Tiri looked at me too.
My breath hitched, I suddenly got a very, very bad feeling.
Rapunzel put a protective hand in front of me.
"Leave her out of this Zhan Tiri." Rapunzel wanted.
"But why have just the moon and sunstone when I can have the heartstone as well! The stone that carries half of what both powers can do plus their own powers!" Zhan Tiri looked at me with maniacal eyes.
I looked out the window as the moon touched the sun.
I could feel my eyes glow as my hair started to rise high above my shoulders.
I looked over and saw the outline of Rapunzel's heart glowing a bright yellow, her actual heart.
I look down and see mine doing the same, only glowing pink and shaped like the stone it is.
Rapunzel almost collapses barely seconds afterwards.
"Rapunzel!" I kneeled down beside her.
"What's happening?" She questioned, her eyes glittering a bright yellow as she stared at me.
"Give up while you still can, both of you." Zhan Tiri continued to stare us both down.
"That's...the thing though," Rapunzel panted as she got up, holding her hand out for me to grab.
"We're not big on giving up." Rapunzel grinned as I took her hand.
Rapunzel's whole body started radiating yellow as the sunstone appeared almost to be embroidered on her dress.
"The sunstone." Zhan Tiri gasped.
It was physical, the sunstone, you could just grab it if you wanted to, grasp it. But underneath all that power was a heart, unlike mine.
I could feel myself gasping slightly as my power finally surged through me at full blast.
I started radiated a glowing pink, Rapunzel and I's conjoined hands and powers shaking the castle.
With the blast of light blinding Zhan Tiri, Rapunzel tugged my hand as we ran down the hall and away from that psycho of a monster.
Rapunzel opened a random door and swung us inside, locking the door as she breathed a sigh of relief.
"What was that?" I gasped, my eyes dimming to their normal color.
"The eclipse." Rapunzel replied.

Finally, finished a chapter. Sorry for the long wait! Not only was I not feeling well, I had a bad writer's block as well.
Posts should be more frequent now!
I'm doing these final two/three chapters based on the finale three episodes btw, or else then this chapter would have been much longer lol.
Thank you so much for reading!
Please let me know if I made any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/afternoon!

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