Chapter 26: The End? Part 3

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Last Chapter Y'all😭
Song used is for towards the end-ish

I felt...empty.
Everything around me was darkness, like the void I used to call my home.
Only this time, I didn't feel safe or comforted. I felt scared, and panicked.
I wanted to get out of here, needed to get out of here, but how?
My physical human form...I was dead.
My best guess was that I am back inside my stone, which is now controlled by Zhan Tiri.
I was helpless, and everyone I loved was now going to die...because of me.

Rapunzel's p.o.v:
"Y/N!" I shouted until my throat felt hoarse with burning sensations tickling at my throat.
I crawled over until my little sister was in my arms.
She felt cold, the life drained from her skin.
Her hair was now a faded pink, her eyes closed, she looked almost peaceful.
But she was dead, and I couldn't save her.
I caressed her in my arms as I saw Zhan Tiri grow darker until they looked like a goat-human hybrid, their whole ambiance radiating a shadow.
But I could see the sun and moon stone in each of their eyes, their mouth glowing pink where Y/n was now emerged in.
I could feel my breaths grow rapid as I gently laid Y/n down and stood up.
I grabbed a huge tuft of my now brown hair and whipped at Zhan Tiri, aiming for the eyes and mouth.
But they were weak attempts to over power my strong opponent.
"You may have been strong enough to wield the sunstone once, but your attempts are pathetic. You. Are. Nothing now." Zhan Tiri clenched their fists. They grabbed my hair and flung me against the wall.
I could feel the wall crack as I landed against it, I yelled in pain and fought the terrible urge to close my eyes and never wake up.
"And you," I heard Zhan Tiri say.
"Are just like your mother, fallen because of your own ego. Pathetic." Zhan Tiri picked Cassandra up with their hands only to throw her back down next to me.
"Cassandra!" I reached out for her, ignoring
Y/n's voice in my head, telling me to let her go.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with destiny! You know, destroying the world and all." Zhan Tiri laughed manically, enclosing Cassandra, Y/n's dead body and I in bright yellow rocks.
We were both trapped, and without the sunstone in my possession, I couldn't do anything.
I really was nothing.
But that didn't mean I was going to give up hope.
I whipped my hair against those rocks, ignoring the stinging pain from my back and the soreness from the legs.
This was for my Kingdom, my Fiancé, my friends, my family and Y/n, I had to save them!

Varian's p.o.v:

Everybody was getting ready to face Zhan Tiri, there were talks of strategy, war plans, and sharpening of weapons.
But I wasn't paying any attention.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, specifically my heart.
I felt like I was...dying.
"Varian? Are you ok?" Eugene looked up at me.
I was clenching at the fabric that covered my heart, my other hand gripping monster Ruddiger's fur.
I look down at Eugene and muster a strained smile.
"Yep, everything's good!" I barely get out.
But it wasn't.
Something was deeply, deeply wrong and my worries were only furthered as I saw Zhan Tiri emerge from the castle, their transformation complete.

Rapunzel's p.o.v:

"You know, it would be really helpful right now if you would, you know, help me?!" I grunted with every pull of my hair I tried to use to yank some piece of rock off.
I stopped for a moment when Cassandra didn't respond, then I saw she was looking at Y/n.
"I did this..." Cassandra whispered.
I instinctively stopped what I was doing and sat next to her. By instinct as well, I was about to tell her "what? No no no! This wasn't your fault!" But the unbearable truth is, it was her fault.
If she hadn't fallen for Zhan Tiri's trap because of her fat ego, Y/n would still be here.
"You know what? You're right, it is your fault." I spat at her.
She flinched at my little outburst, hugging herself as she stared at her knees.
I sighed, looking at Y/n's lifeless body.
I looked up and tried holding back tears, blowing air at my bangs which had fallen over my eyes.
"But that doesn't mean you can't make it right." I placed a shaky hand on her shoulder.
She looked up at me, her mouth slightly open in awe.
And what she saw was a broken, powerless person who just lost her sister, and most likely her Kingdom.
Cassandra's eyes shimmered with tears for just a moment before she was crying.
"I-I'm so sorry." Cassandra's lip quivered as she apologized.
She started to sob as she hastily wiped at her eyes.
"I'm so sorry!" Cassandra crawled into my arms.
I didn't know what to do at first, should I hug her back? Push her away?
Instead, I start to cry as well, rubbing circles on her back.
"I tried so hard to prove I was something more, that I wasn't someone only meant to be in someone else's shadow. Instead I helped the worst villain get what they wanted, I destroyed your Kingdom, I killed Y/n! I-I-." Cassandra started to hiccup and cough from her uncontrollable sobs.
"Cassandra-," I tried to stop my tears.
"I didn't deserve this! My sister is dead now and for what?! All I did was support and love you, I don't know what I did to deserve this!" I hid my face in my hands.
"No! Raps, no! You're right, you didn't deserve this, nobody did! Not your family, not your sister, I'm sorry!" Cassandra took my hands in hers.
She wiped the tears from my face and frowned, looking back at Y/n's body.
"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but give me one more chance to try to make things right." Cassandra pleaded with me.
I stared into her eyes.
Was this some sort of cruel trick? A false glimmer of hope that she wanted to change? Was she going to try and kill me?
I stared deeper in her eyes and found a person just as broken as me, somebody who yearned to earn her redemption.
"Ok." I finally said.
Cassandra squeezed me in a tight hug but I didn't return it, not this time. Not after everything she put me and my family through.

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